TheSRTgreg - Needs a mode to drift

It has always been Chrysler/SRT policy to not speak of future product. Hopefully you get him on though! He is a cool guy, I've met him just a couple of times. I'm definitely a fan.

No 4WD... No mileage listed... For someone maybe it is, but for me it's CP.

The grille is the icing on the cake. It really sets the car off for me! I love the concept and used to have an '88 Daytona Shelby Z so it's NP for me!

Any muscle car witout it's own company's V8. Chevy in a ford = ew. Honda in a dodge= ew-er.

Two that were discussed on VOA forums that I can't take credit for are Heisenberg Blue (how current pop cultural! Have Cranston do some commercials!) and nurotoxin blue.

If you could take a gamble... Say, buy the worlds safest car in terms of energy absorption in a crash, but knew it would start on fire in 10 minutes after impact... Would you buy it? Interesting trade off. I'm off to to see just how many of these catch fire.

If you could take a gamble... Say, buy the worlds safest car in terms of energy absorption in a crash, but knew it would start on fire in 10 minutes after impact... Would you buy it? Interesting trade off. I'm off to to see just how many of these catch fire.

Them's 797's are limited only by tire technology: They would make them bigger but the tires can't support it. The Caterpillar 797 is the worlds largest mechanical drive dump truck (vehicle ever?) - all the rest have an engine that works as a hydraulic motor for hydraulic drive. The 797 has driveshafts and stuff!

He is off his rocker enough to get this finished. Not crazy enough for it to be spectacular.

I personally know the guy in #4.

2012 Jeep GC SRT-8.

I keep watching this wondering "well, how come there aren't red arrows showing up on the pavement in front of him as he enters the braking zone?" Then I realize I would be ill equipped to do anything nearly this fast IRL.

Being inspired to rice up my car because of Fast & Furious.

It wasn't my decision, but when my dad bought a used four post lift for cheap, our repair/modification ability increased like tenfold. We also learned more from people coming to use our lift for their purposes with our help. Saved us thousands on repairs, and I especially gained gobs and gobs of automotive

It wasn't my decision, but when my dad bought a used four post lift for cheap, our repair/modification ability increased like tenfold. We also learned more from people coming to use our lift for their purposes with our help. Saved us thousands on repairs, and I especially gained gobs and gobs of automotive

Triumph Daytona 675! 3 cylinders, crazy amazing sound, gobs more torque than the jap 4's, and just the same ~14,000 rpm crazy addicting redline.