
I think it’s also because she’s gay. Geraldine Ferraro wasn’t talking about White privilege and neither was Little Rock. People need to get over her being gay and realize she’s saying some real shit. I was more skeptical of her being a star, unexperienced in politics and a being a (they are “superpredators”) White

But like 63% of white men voted for Trump, so... 

To be entirely fair to African-Americans that support establishment Dems, they actually do have good reason to believe that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

So how we doing on coming up with names for the Y chromosomed in the video?

Who I thought of when I saw that only one white person had been busted.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Dear Fellow White Girl,

Oh yeah man. That’s a scary looking dog. Being all well-mannered and snuzzling with orange kitties. Totes scary. That neighborhood Becky crazy.

This is a buddy comedy I’d watch.

Purely anecdotal, but if Mom keeps trying to make you diet, you will a.) rail against her wishes, b.) eat your feelings, and c.) figure you may as well keep being a fat fucking disappointment.

Re: that headline...YOU DON’T FUCKING SAY?

Ah shit. It’s a cat fight.

The best way that I described cats:


Did you listen to the full WTF interview? Because if not, you are guilty of what you are criticizing.

Look, I’m a moderate Bey stan, but no one will ever be able to tell me that Kelly isn’t the best looking one in the group by far.

My big question is why he didn’t name any women as innovators of the past or present. Like really, Bruno Mars is doing great work?

He’s picked a strange hill to die on. It’s true the costume designer instead of sourcing Africa for inspiration, could have been African. Coogler could’ve gone further than the most atypically African city on the continent to understand it better. And I’ll admit I have had mixed feelings about the casting. It would

Eliza Dushku is telling the truth. I was on the True Lies set for 3 weeks and reported Joel Kramer’s inappropriate sexual behavior towards 12-year-old Eliza to a person in authority. I was met with blank stares and had the sense that I wasn’t telling that person anything they didn’t already know. I tried to keep Joel