
You know what? I was going to ignore your bullshit trolly comments, but fuck that. You are full of shit. First of all, I went back and counted what was at least 3 white men, and possibly more, but I can't quite tell since their faces are blurred out. And also, on a personal note, the day I was groped, yes, by a black

Believe it or not, women still get catcalled in Small Town, USA. White men, in my personal experience, tend to do it while in their cars or other vehicle so that they have a quick getaway. (Which should imply that they know what they're doing is wrong.) Minorities are maybe more likely to be on the streets where you

I can honestly say that there is one single time in my entire life that I have been approached by a stranger and given a compliment and not felt creeped out or threatened. I was on the train going home and a guy came up to me, said "I'm sorry but I just wanted to tell you that you're really beautiful." I could tell he

Also, WHERE ARE THEY GOING? What are they doing with their lives that they can presumably walk for five minutes toward nothing? Because it seems unlikely they are actually headed that way at the same time and the same pace by coincidence.


Really I've mostly been cat called by white guys.

I used to think that there was something wrong with me because I would say hi back to these random guys just trying to be polite and then thing I know it, the conversation would get super weird.

unless you're saying 'have a nice evening' to every person you walk by, it's harrassment, an attempt to force attention/positive reactions/any response so you can give yourself an 'in' to keep talking.

You don't have to apologize for reacting in whatever way felt safest for you. That sounds legitimately frightening.

Here's the thing. In my experience, I NEVER, literally NEVER see men casually greet each other on the street unless they know each other. These men are throwing out seemingly harmless greetings in hopes you will turn and want to talk. Or they may just want a smile. Sorr,y but I only smile when I feel smiley, not

Judging? There's a feeling that they are placing value on you and ranking you in some way. I completely agree, that appraisal doesn't do the feeling justice, but I'm not sure how else to put it.

I don't think appraising is the most appropriate word. Something more abrupt and vulgar is necessary, like sizing up.

I hate when you tell people about this they accuse you of humblebragging. These are not fucking compliments, this is word vomit about how fuckable they find you, Yeezus! This doesn't even show insults they also hollar at you for being a fat woman in public.

Sometimes even just the appraising looks get to me. Men looking you up and down deciding whether they would fuck you, their eyes crawling all over your body uninvited. I'm not talking about a quick check-out, I'm talking about the ones who feel entitled to stare openly, and there are many. There are some days I wish I

I can claim no understanding of how my gender thinks this to be appropriate.

There is nothing funny about Adam Levine; he is a serious man engaged in serious pursuits, like throwing seriously sexy Halloween parties.

only bang a guy with a downstairs bathroom.

I don't TRY to do it, but if I have to poop at a guys house (or if he's at mine) I poop. I figure if he can't handle me pooping/knowing that I poop etc he probably doesn't deserve to see me naked.

Your cat's gaze is like the Eye of Sauron squared. Which I mean as a huge compliment.