
I think a lot of salespeople DO get that (coming from another former/sometimes salesperson, here), but that they DON'T always get it at the corporate level. Or even at store-management level, sometimes. It's always been a struggle for me, dealing with how much the expectations my bosses had for how to interact with

That's a better explanation than the one I had in my head. Although, just to play devil's advocate, some might argue that it's not really their job to buy things just so they can encourage Lane Bryant to move in the direction of what they really want. Part of being a successful retailer is giving people what they want

nownow, let's not overreact. he's only banned from working with WOMEN, a small minority. he's still allowed to work with normal people (men).

Right. I bet all these guys would be totally cool to a woman with a mustache.

Just so long as one of the ghosts is played by the actual ghost of a frustrated, cantankerous Katharine Hepburn I'm all in.

Seems pretty obvs to me: Venkman/Melissa McCarthy, Egon/Tina Fey, Stantz/Amy Poehler, Winston/Octavia Spenser, Louis Tully/Amy Sedaris.

My all time favorite example of this was an acquaintance's mother who as VP was charged with buying a new fleet of vehicles for the company. She did some research, went to the dealership, did test drives and talked specks, and finally settled on a car, but before she could explained that she wanted a dozen of them,

It's tacky and offensive that there is a bag that costs more than what a large number of Americans make in a year.

I feel like you should have your adult card (seeing rated R movies, buying alcohol, voting, that sort of thing) revoked when you say things like, "My daddy knows some pretty important people."


Dude. She has said he was autistic, but she healed him; she has said he was not autistic, but an "indigo child"; and she has said he actually had Landau-Kleffner syndrome.

Congratulations. Emily is gonna grow up to be literally the worst.

Good luck with the rest of fatherhood, buddy.

I would say, based on my (granted, fairly limited) experience in a semi-high-end hotel restaurant with really cool decor, that the constant instagramming and picture taking definitely adds some time to the meal.

Convince yourself that exercise is fun or relaxing — maybe by picking an activity you actually like — just don't think of it as work


Sure, those same people would have their heart explode as the rounded 2nd base on a hit. Dudes overweight, sure, but he is also in much better physical shape than the average person. And that, to me, is fitness. It's that old "Skinny Fat" thing.

And what, pray tell, could he have been doing during this 2 hour (at max) photoshoot that would have impacted his team? This idea that "URGRGRGR if your not living the sport 24/7 your a joke!" bullshit has got to stop.

Should not every asswipe who shared the video be brought up on child pornography charges?