
I shall file this under 'things I just need to accept happened and don't need to think too deeply about' because I just.... can't.

I empathize with the writer's feelings and difficulties. But as a fat-as-hell woman, I believe that she is adding to rather than mitigating the problem of how fat women are perceived. Wear what you want, ear what you want, go where you want, date who you is imperative! There are actual studies, which I

Gross simplification: milk is water, protein, fat, sugar. Skim milk, because it doesn't have the fat, has more protein and sugar per [insert your favorite unit of volume] than whole milk would, because there's no fat in there taking up space.

Just nobody tell Fox News that the commemorative quote on the 9/11 memorial is about two gay terrorists ... or, if you do, give me time to heat up some popcorn first.

Anyone remeber that Michelle Pfeiffer movie where she finds her abducted son, and he asks for a glass of milk during pizza dinner, and her non-abducted sons all make fun of him? Why are all my memories based on bad movies I saw as a child?

False. We know old guys like a sexy show as well. What's the big damn deal?


I'm an adult and I drink milk with everything. Everything. It is the nectar of the gods, as far as I am concerned.

Argh, this is so on point. :(
Just getting things ready for the IRB board... found out about it today, entire packet's due in 2 weeks. My lit review is apparently 3x as long as my classmates'. Exhausted, I gave myself the rest of the day off, but meanwhile, my head is reeling. That commiseration weed doesn't sound like

No advice, just commiseration. I literally just had a meltdown about how I'm a terrible law student and how I'm too tired to keep up this pace and I'm not getting enough help and my best is never ever enough. I don't know what I can do to improve and at this rate it's all I can do to keep my head above water.

As someone who's been there recently, maybe I can offer some comfort. While it sucks more intensely than there are words in English to describe, and while it seems at times as though there is only darkness (the end of grad school did not go smoothly for me), it WILL end sooner than you think. And when it is over,

Unfortunately, if you don't feel demoralized and dejected about grad school, you probably aren't doing it right. I'm going to be optimistic and judge from your name that you aren't in the arts like some poor schmucks (ahem...myself), so at least you should have better job prospects at the other side? It's tough, but

I feel like she literally wants to slap him on the wrist with her copy of Reader's Digest.

Aisha Tyler.

How would you feel if he did this to an 8 year old? Would it then be unacceptable and not funny to simulate a public rape? People who do stuff like this support the belief system that forcing sex on women is really kind of ok, kind of funny and not at all horrific. It also keeps women in their place and intimidated

OMG I've thought it was anti-Obama this whole time and was conflicted in liking their posts!

I tend to read the comments on most Jezebel articles (although I don't post that often, usually because someone else has already said what I am thinking). I see you on here a lot and when I am reading on my phone I keep thinking your photo is anti-Obama instead of drama. This is like the third time. I'm expecting

You watch your mouth!

I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I, I've built my life around Vodka Tampons
But time makes you bolder
Children get older
I'm getting older too oh yes
I'm getting older too

In general, weaponized liberal outrage is a devastating resource, and we must only use it for good.