
Yeah, sorry, when I said "bullshit double standard" I meant that we should be demanding this MORE from everyone else, not that we should stop hoping for it from Mindy.

Strumpets, Rejoice!

You are supposed to say something self effacing like "But i have much better taste in partners' than she does" and then we'd be like "OH YOU."

He must be constructed solely out of clitorises.

I agree that fat people take the overwhelming majority of abuse, online and elsewhere. I just wish that abuse for body type didn't exist at all. Guess I'm just going through my post-adolecent idealistic phase.

With a little time and effort, this unfortunate image could have been unnoticeably fixed.

I also want to be clear that in no way meant to make a false-equivalency about fat v thin women getting comments. I am by no means one of those people who whines "but people say this and that to me because I'm thin, it's hard for me toooooo." I am fully aware that one situation is more advantageous/accepted/revered

This is actually indicative of the new trend happening amongst young Tumblr professionals these days, which is "labia gap." The idea is that your vaginal lips must be positioned to form a sort of upside-down horseshoe; the wider the horseshoe, the more cachet among your fellow teen bloggers. There is training that you

Dude, you read something wrong twice..then used me calling you out on it to dismiss my point.

Wow. I'm a fat person, and I've been getting all of that blood work done on an annual basis since I was about 13 or so. Nothing, save my Vitamin D levels, has ever come back abnormal.

You seem to have a lot invested in condemning fat people. You may have an insecurity problem.

I am crying. That is the best fart description I've ever heard.

It is. This is just another person who trolls these articles just waiting to tell you about how you're doing it wrong (and also that you're ugly while doing it wrong).

Anybody who's not doing what I'm doing to maintain the lifestyle I'm maintaining is obviously doing it wrong. I'll be over here. Judging.

Next step: condescending Facebook shares and diatribes!

To be fair, sometimes my vagina DOES run around free-range. It likes to get out and see the sights, you know? Needs to run free and air itself out every once in a while.

In February 2009 (thanks to an invite from an awesome friend) I got to see Louis CK with Maria Bamford as his opening act. It was a total *sploosh*moment.

She does voices for both "Adventure Time" and "Bravest Warriors" and sometimes you have to read the cast list because that's how awesome she is.

A big Jesse F-U to tests! Hope you kill 'em girl! Goooood luck:)

oh what fun! I know who this is for reals! But I already wished you good luck and sent you a pic of a baby dik-dik. Rock that shit out.

You and me both. The dog's name, just as a point of information, is Peaches. Go ahead and let that sink in for a second.