
YEA BUT I LIKE TO WALK ON THE WILD SIDE! Those io9 peeps are afraid to look danger in the eye! Not me! BRING IT. BRING IT ALL.

A Liberal Arts undergrad education is not meant to prepare you for the working world, or even adult life.

It's supposed to be an ivory tower, an ESCAPE from the toil and drudgery of the working world, to explore disciplines and arts that you wouldn't get to otherwise once embroiled in mere survival. It's meant to

I thought it was about people planning and throwing a surprise party-type wedding for two unexpecting, commmitted-but-not-married SOs. Which would be horrible and hilarious.

No loss at all is correct. You get me, ambitious, you really get me.

Bring out the torches....

Uncle George will fuck your shit up.

George Takei is a BAMF.

Craft services, mostly. (That is the only reason I wanted to get into movies.)

I wish I had corgis at my wedding.
Katy Perry was booed by photographers because she was an hour late, which is a reason.
I put on pants today! But they have an elastic waist. :|

I dated a woman that had this problem so I bought her the magic wand. Problem solved.

ugh that's the worst Right Said Fred lyric

Idris has responded!! He's not sorry!!!

I deduced recently that it has something to do with the level of musk in their genital region that they can taste when they groom themselves. Last week I had a date over who remained incredulous after I explained my theory, but after I pointed out that one of us had tested this hypothesis and one of us had not, she

What is predicted when your cat is licking his scrotum? Because we're in for a LOT of that.

Sorry but this is the cheesecake I want. Space geek girl in coveralls with springy ringlets, I love you.

When we saw your question, we knew right away we should tackle the topic. :) Like I said in the piece, I've struggled with my weight for a very long time, and if there's anything I wanted to tell you when I read your note it was that you're not alone.

Yeah, I will file all your responses under "completely missed the entire point of the article."

Yeah, you lost me at "8:30 pace" in the first line of that workout. I'm one of the overweight people this article is targeted for. I do run already, and my running pace is almost 2x that. My husband lovingly teases me that what is running to me is walking or speedwalking to everyone else. I'm fat and have short