
That's not Soon Yi. That's his daughter with Soon Yi. Not all Asians are the same.

I stand by my statement that we don't need to fabricate facts to make Allen seem creepy, he does it all on his own. Speculation isn't necessary.

Seriously disgusting—the worst part being the number of times I saw it shared on social media from people I like and respect who claim the author was being objective/neutral in his observations. I wanted to be like "did we read the same article? Because the only time the guy stopped gargling Woody's balls was to

It's not my place to decide if a relationship between two adults is ok or not.

You know what I find so weird about every discussion about this shit? Almost every article that mentions Soon Yi refers to her as "Mia Farrow's adopted daughter". Why do they do this? If you adopt, that child is your child. Why is it never "Mia Farrow's daughter"? I feel like throwing in the "adopted" label serves as

Regardless of whether he was Soon-Yi's "father figure," he was (is?) the legal father of at least two of the children, Soon-Yi's siblings. At the very least, he is a dad who was willing to put his desire for a romantic relationship with his children's sister ahead of his relationship with his children. This

I dunno. If people don't want to be lit on fire why do they wear clothing that is flammable? I mean, they are practically begging to be lit on fire.

I didn't expect it to go so Woody Allen fan girl. It was really bizarre. And then bringing up Mia's other completely IRRELEVANT romantic relationships was just too much. It was so gross.

Agreed. Straight-up character assassination.

I read that article, and it was sooo biased from the get go. I grew up as a huge Woody Allen fangirl, but even I could see that the level of fan worship the reporter had reached could not produce an impartial account. Sharing a brain tumor in-joke with Woody Allen? How is that relevant?

The daily beast article was SO uncomfortable to read, the jist seemingly: 'Not to blame Mia but... she slept with a married guy that time when she was 21, ergo she is JUST the type of woman to manipulate her children into falsely accusing their father of rape'. Ok, cool, got it.

Thank you for pointing out some of the problems with how this is being discussed, and for trying to assert some much-need boundaries on this issue. But I don't see why "Woody Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi Previn" is irrelevant. I'm a social worker and a big part of my job is working with abused children and their

Yeah, at one point he says

That article was offensive and disgusting. It was pure apologia.

"Crazy lady who collects children" is a really nasty way of putting things, but her mental state, particularly with regard to Allen, is absolutely relevant, particularly when she was the one who drove the allegations in the first place.

I believe Dylan. I don't think sex abuse victims make this shit up. I don't really trust Mia Farrow though...

But what if we don't want her?

While I appreciate hearing the other side of each issue, I don't think this is an unbiased author. And the article quite quickly degenerated into slut-shaming Mia Farrow.

um... you might be misreading the entire everything ever.

"self-loathing Negroes"?