
No disrespect but unless you got to hear a different Kanye tape that shit proved absolutely nothing.

LMFAO!!! So what standard do you hold to Donald Trump?!?

And whites don’t get along with whites...what’s your point?

Yes...if it didn’t get instantaneous results then it’s not working. LOL!

LOL...of course people are trying to take the fight to police and governments too. It’s a multi-faceted effort...civil rights, criminal justice reform, equality, etc...

Please quit lumping “white people” - isn’t that what we don’t like about conservatism? Without good “white people” (men in particular) we wouldn’t even be as far along as we are today.

I would be fine with that but every black player doesn’t have to kneel for the anthem if that’s not what they want to do. Every person has their own ideas about what and how (if they think it’s a problem) to combat whatever issue they want to take on.

It’s called conservatism. In its many forms, literally the most vile, evil and destructive force in human history.