
A gentleman friend and I were “getting to know each other” in his bedroom at his frat house. I was finishing up on him with my mouth when I pulled back at the exact moment he came. Straight into my eye. I shrieked, and ran to the bathroom.

As someone who has dated guys who are Internet “5’7” (in the sense that they are under 5’5 because I am 5’5 in bare feet), I have to say that height isn’t an issue for me unless guys make it one. I had an ex who constantly harped on it and made me feel huge at 5’5 and policed my shoes. That one didn’t go anywhere.

Seriously. If anything, choosing to date a fat woman is MORE of a socially risky thing to do. Mockery at the very least, whether to your face or behind your back.

It reminds me of the whole taking your husband’s name when you get married thing. As every Jezebel article on the subject illustrates, many if not most female readers either took their husband’s name or plan to, which is perfectly understandable. But way, way too many of them angrily insist that they did so completely

—For a man to openly reject a woman because he found her fat would be not only accepted but expected and probably applauded.

I found this a fair bit. I’m five ft 7, athletic size 4/6, and during my dating hey day (now married), it was rare for men my height or shorter to want to date me because of my ‘size.’ They always said that I would be so much cuter/better looking/etc if I was shorter (most guys told me that 5ft 2 to 5 ft 5 was

But that’s like blaming other people for his own behavior and personality flaws. I know plenty of people who were dealt bad hands that manage to not be jerks about it.

—For a man to openly reject a woman because he found her fat would be social suicide.—

Eh. This is BS. Short guys have no interest in dating ‘taller’ women, and by ‘taller’ I mean anyone even close to or greater than their height, unless you are certified skinny. I’m an athletic size 14/16 and at 5’6” way to ‘big’ [emphasis theirs] to date. Most guys, whatever their height, are only interested in

I don’t think most people want to face up to the fact of how much their ideas of beauty and what’s appealing is influenced by society’s ideals and what they’ve been exposed to. They’d rather throw up their hands and claim what they like is inherent, rather than examine their biases and broaden their horizons. While

I’m pretty short and I’m not at all turned off by short guys - my last boyfriend was barely 5’5”. But you know what is really unattractive? Short guys who are furious about it and think that they were betrayed by the universe, that they ought to have had some much better life than whatever disappointment they’ve

Shades of Romulus and Remus.

You’re right. Please alert my friends so they can begin the ritual shunning.

Oh wow, you sound like you are much better at fun than I am. Please, continue. I’m learning so much.

I was in the beginning of a D&D game, when one person mentioned playing a paladin. Another player WENT BALLISTIC, screaming, eyes bulging, spittle flying everywhere, yelling about how HE HATES ALL PALADINS AND HE WILL KILL ALL PALADINS AND HIS CHARCATER WILL SLIT ANY PALADIN’S THROAT AT NIGHT AND MURDER THEM ALL

I don’t remember my first email, but I DO remember the day we first got the internet in my house. It was a Saturday morning in 1995, and my dad was showing us how you can check the internet to see what the weather is like! He went to Yahoo! Weather and we waited fo the page to load. And waited. And waited. And after 45

Chrissy Hynde, I doubt you’re reading this, wasn’t your fault.

My father was 30 minutes late for his own funeral.

My friend did not have a wake, she had a Martini Party in her memory a month after she died. The direction to have this party was in her will, along with the guest list for the party. She was just a lifelong wicked pissah (as they say in MA), so the eulogies (helped by tee many martoonis) devolved into hilarity - just

When I was at my grandfather’s brother’s funeral, one of my father’s cousins let slip that my father is adopted right in the middle of a eulogy. It turns out that everyone knew that my grandmother was already pregnant with my father when she and my grandfather met, except for my father. My mother had even figured it