incorrect. Mitchum for women.
incorrect. Mitchum for women.
incorrect. Mitchum for women.
incorrect. Mitchum for women.
Y’all will want to vacate a 3-block radius around me whenever mine does.
Is there a secure photo-sharing site with good editing tools?
I had a male friend visiting and he hopped on my computer to check AIM or ICQ, I forget which. Yay 90s!! I took a little sneaky peek and left the room. When he emerged I asked “so who was thaaat” and he said it was a girl from another college, psych major, blah blahblah and I interrupt- “I know! [screenname], that’s…
is it censorship? is every person entitled to the paying musical job of their dreams?
don’t change it, the post is so much funnier this way.
I'd rather not see orthodox women walk behind their husbands, but it's not really my call and neither is this.
Right, when did everyone grow up and have their hearts die?
This is among the least offensive sights on a typical day at a Staten Island mall.
A better Human Torch than Chris Evans. Can’t wait for him and Cap to meet.
with respect; go fuck yourself, Lt. Lynch.
because the police can’t rearrange her or his class schedule or dorm assignments.
“proven innocent” is incorrect, so it is in quotation marks to indicate that no such category exists. and the NYPD can exonerate nobody.
just because it was no biggie to you doesn’t mean...
mall floors are just gnarly, though. i worry about her hands and knees.
at what point in writing these recaps do you wonder “what am I doing with my life? I have a university degree.”
in the story, yes. in the real world, anyone who thinks of themselves as Alpha is nothing but a sad, useless, desperate-for-validation crybaby.
bring me all the Betas.