never surprise anyone.
never surprise anyone.
haha i'm impressed!
in a world where "oh, i hate fags" is still a thing which exists, i gotta say, the counter-shorthand, while imperfect, should still be allowed.
it's also not funny, so you could crank up your outrage machine about what passes for humor these days.
only a madman would stay here if you really believe any of what you just typed.
no, one pill.
a pill you take when you become fertile to stop ovulation and the thickening/shedding of the uterine wall and another pill you take to un-do it when you want to have a baby.
i was in a used book store, browsing paperbacks (petting the store cat), and a 80+ year old woman with a walker trundled up to the cashier, who was 20. "does E. L. James have a new book out?" the old woman squeaked out. 20-year old cashier, "who? WHAT - NO!"
but that's not the policy. she was wrong.
there should be spreadsheets for everything! and powerpoint presentations for break-up conversations!
they can't be cool about it, that's what wrong with it. just be cool.
you're sick, and sad. and you don't have to be this way, you sick, disgusting shithead. be better than this. sicko.
you're so broken inside.
fuck yourself to death.
well you obviously deserved those things to happen to you, because there was a perfect way to escape all of them if you'd just listened to shitheads on the internet.
I'm not kidding. It's your phone, or your life and getting shit on later by the blogosphere. The shooting and the article are disgusting. The holding onto the phone was just a stupid mistake.
no. as previously stated, it's not about phone numbers. which were probably backed up in the cloud anyway.
i agree, but in this article, he's saying bullshit as if the biggest inconvenience she would face is re-adding people's phone numbers.
uhhhh, no, the choice in question here is the choice of the guy to pull the trigger. and it doesn't excuse the flippant tone of this article anyways.