i love every one of these and i think she looks adorable and you go, girl. tell it, taylor swift.
i love every one of these and i think she looks adorable and you go, girl. tell it, taylor swift.
the Shrew Wife Whose Entire Job is to Stop the Male Protagonists From Having Fun.
because the child would not exist without her involvement.
that works perfectly for traditionally-sized cupcakes. like the ones pictured. but i tried, it was impossible to do with Crumbs, and i have a giant mouth, so.
i also find the ratio of dry-outer-layer of cupcake to moist-inner-cake to be all wrong in cupcakes. when i wand a slice of cake, i am maximizing the inner, soft/fluffy insides, not concentrating on the outer shell.
all of this is 100% true, and if i could agree in gif form, i would, but i am too lazy.
too much frosting. stuff in frosting. frosting too stiff.
well if you come over to my side you could think this WAS one last stunt. just as vicious and unfunny as all his other stunts.
I read a lot of stupid shit today but this is the stupidest shit I read today.
He gets to be an asshole, that's America. He doesn't get to have a paycheck or suffer no consequences for his choice to be a bad person. These are the consequences of his choices. To scream and rave racist speech in a public forum. No one made him choose to do that. Yes, everyone is a little racist. He doesn't think…
my answer to your initial question is: you're racist. at best, he's racist, and you're defending a racist, and you don't need to contribute that kind of nonsense to the world, so the fact that you want to, is frankly sickening.
i don't owe you an answer. if you think i'm childish, why do you care what i say? move on, loser.
*shrug* what's so hard about basic sex ed? but millions of parents have a hard time doing that talk, or even allowing someone else to give that talk.
ok buttercup, i'm childish. ba-ba goo-goo bye bye now.
you seem like a very stupid person, and please don't talk to me anymore, thank you.
you won't get brownie points for kissing a dried up old liar's ass, you know.
correct. parents do not have a "consent talk" in the same way they have a sex talk. they don't want to imagine their sons are rapists so it's not a part of the regular sex talk either. and society is saturated with messages about no meaning yes and women deserving what they get and men being entitled to sex, and male…
the cats in question were unimpressed and licked their balls until the upright monkeys served them their din-din.
one where he admits he was taking creepshots and got yelled at very briefly and no one touched him. because 5 black guys crowding, yelling at, or hitting a weak white old man for no reason, there is no way cops wouldn't have intervened on their own.
it's not art.