
at what point in their lives? in college? grad school? age 40? ever?

what is the reason?

in college? ok maybe, yeah. they are busier than some others.

getting laid isn't that interesting once you've done it a few times. but video games are consistently amazing.

oh i'm not reading into it at all. i'm taking the stated claims and asking them how they can continue to believe them in the face of obvious real-life contradictions from their real lives. the narrative here is that "women" like "not-us" and therefore the individuals who believe this narrative have no chance. it's of

what is a "significant number"? because honestly, you sound like you probably failed math a lot.

that sounds awful, you guys should stop doing that. and get over it. not stop, but get mad about it, and shoot people.

are they generally math-oriented guys? because i've seen a ton of studies that popularity or athletics do not tie into much of an increase in sexual activity. some, but not insurmountable odds. statistically, "i'll NEVER" or "we caaaan't" "ALL the jocks, no fair" is of course, nonsense.

may i ask you, since i do not sense any malice in your post, how do you, or the people of whom you speak, explain guys much poorer/uglier/however else less-desireable than themselves who have girlfriends or wives? every geek i know is married. or divorced, many of those from cheating, so still successful at mating.

it's a lot more than 2. and for you to be so dismissive says more than 2 things about yourself.

i'm just trying to understand why if not all men do it, it's not a problem? ok, #notallmen. so fucking what, it's still #yeslotsofmen or even just #yes3dudes. it is still a problem.

being an alpha sounds exhausting.

this is not what we meant when we said we wanted gender equality.

your unsolicited advice boils down to violence. you wish to apply the most-traditionally-masculine response. can you see how that might be inappropriate? and how perhaps you could stand to listen more before jumping in with your bloody-knuckled panacea?

fighting back can escalate the situation. It is certainly one response, but it is not the only good response. situations vary.

You are not the arbiter of "normal person behavior."

how is any of that relevant to my question? Is your answer "one starts by doing nothing because perverts deserve what they get?"

it's not two equal consenting adults. it's an employer. are you seriously this messed up, you need to ask that? or are you just trolling? because it scares me that any person might honestly not understand something so obvious.

your moral compass is broken. you side with the exploiter over the exploited. that is seriously messed up.

it is the responsibility of the person in power to take as many steps as possible to ensure the powerless person WON'T regret the action later.