
just be cool, people. why can't everybody just be cool? yes, we have many freedoms in america, they are necessary and good, but when you can't be fucking cool is when you jeopardize things for everyone.


that's rude. they are REALLY wanting to have biological children. you have no idea what their opinion on adoption is. It's not either/or.

718 788 0777

you might feel sympathy for your friend's pain, but you personally would not have bad feelings about the act itself. at least, many adult westerners would not.

sex isn't that great, little men. it's just sex. relax.

it's fake.

stop, please.

you are a hypocrite. you say "get off your ass and do something about it" but you yourself do nothing (except that for which you condemn others, which is what hypocrisy is).

oh but your use of your time is going to be really fruitful...

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tell it, girl. re #notallmen, someone else here said it best. in discussions of cyclist safety, a campaign to have drivers be more aware of the dangers of dooring a cyclist, no one's auto-response is "NOT ALL DRIVERS DOOR BICYCLISTS!!"

in a discussion of the jewish center shooting, did anyone, ever, in all of the itnernet say "well he was mentally ill, it's not that he hates jews. he even shot some non-jews, so, it's obviously not about anti-semitism."

it doesn't take muscle mass to pull a trigger, but men still shoot more women than women shoot men.

women aren't "just as violent." because they aren't violent to death. men are violent to death much more often than women are violent to death.

jesus christ.

So the comment was "what could be so bad to make someone do this." And in our culture, almost nothing could be so bad. Because we focus on a person's actual actions more than the community's perception. Especially as adults. You see the same comments on articles about shame-based suicides of teenagers. "Why do they

that's not true in the slightest.

it's a shame-based culture. you come from a guilt-based culture.

don't be this person.