
let' talk about how 80% of critical responses feel the need to gender their insults. if the poster thinks she should have moved over, she is a dumb cow or a stupid bitch. why do the insults have to be personal and gendered?

tailgating is not the penalty for not being commonly courteous.

no, she was turning left up ahead.

we all look the same to them?


especially when talking to kids, i just avoid the word. describe people as "she seems happy" or "she has a lot of strength" or tough or mean or smart. ariel doesn't have to be pretty. she can be curious and bold and independent-minded. belle can be stubborn or loyal. mostly i just go with "smart." it gets a little

i can't wait until someone tells them they have to allow coverage for same-sex spouses too.

or, "i'm not TRYING to emasculate you. but i am. and it was soooo easy. all it took was an allen wrench and there is your manhood, shattered all over the flooring i installed myself."

NO. come back to me, take me back, Happy Endings. i'm sorry! i'll stop seeing other shows, just please, come back.

i'm happy. HIMYM is my unhealthy TV boyfriend and now we can finally break up, and hopefully get back together with Happy Endings. that's possible, right?

"when i bake for you, it's not because baking is 'for chicks' it's because i am just awesome at baking. also, baking is a science, if you follow directions, you can't really screw it up, so if you wanted to try it, you could be awesome at baking too. and then you could make cookies for me. and i like fresh-baked

"you don't need to open any of the jars for me. not because you are weak and feminised, but because i have big giant hands and strong forearms, now, do you want to complain, or do you want to eat pickles, because you can't do both."

once every 3 months. i live with my sister and she takes on the weekly calls, so i only need to call enough so that they're sure she hasn't killed and left me to mummify in the storage shed.

"i like assembling flat-pack furniture, and i'm good at it. i'm not trying to emasculate you"

i understand the sentiment, but the POV here is very feminist-critical. why aren't her signs all about how her expectations do not necessarily come from patriarchal visions of masculinity, either?

because you sound like an idiot. a rude idiot.


it only broke because it was a hollow copy. a dude took a hammer to the solid-marble toe of the David still only knocked a bit of toenail off.

Before attempting this experiment, remember always to first, be thin.

goddammit tad