
Stallone is playing Stakar. You also get Ving Rhames as Charlie-27, Rosenbaum as Martinex, and Michelle Yeoh as Aleta. They are their own separate Raveger team.

In guardians 2, Stallone is playing Stakar and Rosenbaum is playing Martinex. You also get Ving Rhames as Charlie-27 and Michelle Yeoh as Aleta. All are Ravegers

The Soverign hire them with full honesty, but Rocket steals some of the batteries they were hired to protect from the interdimensional monster. The Soverign end up chasing the guardians the rest of the movie because of this theft.

Franco is in the film for a whopping 30 seconds of screen time and then is burned alive in a cryopod failure at the very beginning of the film. His best role yet

Ego is a living planet which can make a physical persona (Kurt Russel aka “space Jesus”). He has been spending his time going around the galaxy looking for meaning to it all, but just ends up making babies all over the place. His secret motive is to make a peroginy that will inherit the Ego power so that he can

It’s the Ghost and some of the crew can be seen on Yavin

Hooded figure is Vader’s manservant letting him know that Krennic has arrived to see him. Character is never seen again.

No crawl. Lower third text for any space view of a planet. Slightly creepy CGI Tarkin and Leia. Super cheesy Darth Vader force choke pun. Cameos of minor characters from Ep 4 and main characters from Rebels. Death, lots of death, everyone on the poster dies.

Literally every single new character introduced in this movie dies (even the droid). Look at the poster and start imaging how each of these characters will perish! Blown up by Death Star test shot? Shot in combat? Blown up by a comms console? With the final scene being Leia fleeing from Vader’s ship, this movie could

Just wait till you see CGI young Leia! The CGI for these two characters is just on the outside cusp of the uncanny valley.

You’re going to need to explain how mer-corgis exist and function in the plot

Abraham and Glenn. Also Daryl gets taken prisoner and Carl almost loses a hand.

No. Final scene he is locking it away for safe keeping until he has mastered its power. Wong tells him it is an infinity stone. Two end tags. First is Strange and Thor talking about finding Odin (and magically refilling beer mug). Second is Mordo stealing mystical powers from someone.

It’s Abraham and Daryl gets carted off as a prisoner.

I was in India for work and my wife was able to come out and visit me while I was there. Uber exists in some parts of India, but the quality of the service is a total hit or miss when it comes drivers. I planned a weekend trip to Kochi, on the southern coast, so we could get out of The big city for a few days and

This isn't part of the movie. Also movie takes place after BvS. End tag is a lead up to justice league.

It looks like a power suit that gives him super strength so that he is able to hold his own against Cage.

It's not Carol or Morgan and it will be a cliffhanger.