
The movies intense prescience is definitely in its plus column haha

'they melvined me…'

blah blah blah why no talk about 1994's other terrible fighting game adaptation Double Dragon??

naw its a straight up revenge action movie just like RoboCop or Rolling Thunder. Basically the whole final act is an action sequence-Him taking on a room full of thugs to get to fun boy, the cathedral shoot out. Plus A LOT of explosions earlier in the movie.

I have a weird relationship with Desperado for just the reason you mention-when Banderos or Hayek are on screen its an amazing A grade action film. But for the large chunks of the movie theyre not (especially everything in the villains hide out) it feels like a direct to video Michael Dudikoff movie.

Id probably go with Goldeneye. James Bond really was played out in the early 90s (more do to Roger Moore than Dalton) so the idea that the character could be reinvented AGAIN and turn out a great relevant movie was a big surprise.

I think it was Tarantino who pointed out that the problem with adapting the Getaway is it really doesnt get super interesting until the final chapter. But that chapter is so much bleaker than the rest of the book it throws of the tone of the whole thing.

'however much they were fucking off set McQueen and McGraw have no chemistry on it '

One of the all time great film trailers. I used to watch the preview channel for hours just to watch it repeat every 45 minutes-…

i thought it was just ok. All of the in matrix stuff is admittedly cool. But the all cgi out of the matrix stuff is just boring and bland. Bound is the only Wachowski movie i fuly back.

I personally believe the word 'Enigmatic' should be accompanied by a picture of JJL in eXistenz. UNfortunately that movie proves the rule that Jude Law just doesnt make a good leading man.

She was really really great on the first 2 seasons of Boardwalk Empire. And yeah she hasnt aged in 20 years.

Ditto Dark City

Patriot Games>Hunt for Red October>Clear and Present Danger> all the other Ryan crap

Patriot Games is my favorite Ryan movie. I think CAPD suffers a bit-Fords age starts to really show, it has a ton of central characters, and taking on the drug war ias biting of more than a thriller franchise can chew. But still the action sequences are very entertaining.

I dont know if id say Ledger was in a slump before he died. Brokeback Mountain didnt have a huge fan base, but most people who saw it agreed Ledger was a real talent (he made a similar impact in the almost completely forgotten Monsters Ball).

The Crow actually doesnt have many, if any martial arts sequences. He was trying to get out of his fathers shadow, and playing a character who wears make up for most of the movie helped get away from whatever image people already had of him.

well, now i cant un think this.

Blankman is such a brilliant terrible ridiculous time capsule. As an In Living Color sketch 'ghetto superhero' would have worked, but trying to stretch that to a movie is almost impossible. DAG is great as 'other guy' though.

I actually dont think he was a terrible choice to play Mr Freeze. His robotic cadance and abillity at subtle drama would have been perfect.