
So…in a world where every IP gets made and re-made, how have we still not gotten a CastleVania movie?

Hook Bad Batch to my viens!!

I tweeted Wingard his next movie should be a face off between Sharni Vinson's character from Youre Next and Dan Stevens character from The Guest.

I watched it with a buddy on vhs when i was 13. We laughed the whole way through. Still dont get what the big deal was.

ATTN @disqus_wallflower:disqus Wiener agrees with your analysis of his show. (next up, Shawn Ryans play?)

'"I'm just not depressed enough to appreciate this show."

this is so weird considering Scharzenegger has another 'legitimate' son who is also a wannabe action actor.

Also the bad guy in COBRA.

Brian Thompson lives!

'Eagles Of Death Metal’s Josh Homme'

Imahara's bizarre time as McDonalds pitch man was worth the wait.

'think it is a rare case of the show being better than the literary inspiration.'

Cant believe this took so long to happen

Honestly I feel like thats more of an 'industry problem' than an audience one. I think the general audience is more receptive to/ cares less about who an actor finds attractive then people inside the industry do.

Lol. I just think its funny they cast Cavill who was in Tarsem's Immortal's when Pace was in Tarsem's The Fall right before that haha.

should have made it chrome

Future One Season Wonders you should cover

which gives great context to him playing O'Neills nemesis on Modern Family.

Still trying to figure out how he didnt get cast as Superman.

Im sold on it in theory, but I have to see what theyre actually going to do.