
Im holding out until I see Emma Watson as Belle.

TEN and NO CODE are PJs masterpieces.

Armageddon and 13 hours

Can I make a motion to start having The Rock replace Frank Grillo in everything from now on?

Michael B Jordan or bust.

If only….

Katherine Isabelles agent messed up hard not getting her the lead in this.


If this wasnt a pre existing IP movie, but an original idea it would be my most anticipated movie of the year. And I got an 'off' feeling from the trailers too, until I remembered Tom Hardy was supposed to play Flagg. Theres no way a bunch of murderous psychos would follow Joel Kinnamen.

No offense to Davis who is amazing-but this really should have been CCH's gig.

The Justice League trailer looked like the Avengers trailer with all of the colors faded out.

I mean a guy dressed as a bat looks pretty silly in real life too haha.

Yup Davis as Waller is some MCU/RDJ as Tony Stark level casting .

A friend of mine had her as his pick for Harley and yeah she would have brought alot more than an Emma Stone impression to the table.

If only.

'Hitman, or the villains in The Girl Next Door or Live Free or Die Hard. '

Hell, Id say the first episode of Deadwood.

Not to be to Spoiler-y but if you changed Flagg and Deadshots names in your post I think you have the end of the movie (and how they were able to get Smith).

Im surehell love it just like all his adaptions!

'So of course DC forced me to make the movie.'