
To me that amazing scene shows Bodies intelligence as a leader. 'The enemy of my enemy' and all that.

I agree, but at least that makes sense in the Shakespearean sense. He should have been the leader, so of course he had to be killed by Marlo.

And she just laughs at him! Im not sure I agree with the casts view of the results.

'having george married to her would be a dead end, plot-wise.'

2 words:Ernie Isley.

So, why wasnt this about Summer Breeze??

'Your telling me He cares for these mortals!?'
'He died for their sins!'
'And that will be his undoing!!'

Phil Alvin called them 'The Best Band in America' in 1985. And he would know.

Wow. Someone REALLY likes Match Game.

Its not a bad movie honestly (although who cast McDowell and not Close??). There was a year or two where TBS showed it quite frequently in the late 90s.

8 years later thats still his best roll.

didnt know about the WB connection but her constant appearance makes alot more sense.

Im preety sure the Christopher Lambert version was a hit too.

Also I call BS on Monroe being more 'conventionally attractive' than mae.

Then got stomped by Civil War, a far better movie with a crazy amount of similarities.

Well yeah, I wish DeNofrio played Thor in the 80s too.

'I'm no, you know, Megan Fox or Kate Beckinsale'

Meryl in that still-yowza.

No Chris Hemsworth as Thor??? C'mon Disney.

he makes arguments better than he drums at least