Colorist? You mean the intern that cranked the contrast in Final Cut?
Colorist? You mean the intern that cranked the contrast in Final Cut?
Her and Alexandra Daddario-there really trying to get me to see this one.
Yeah replacing Lori Petty with her was an….interesting choice.
Also its definitely possible Bill Duke and Jesse Venturas characters were fucking.
Yup. Its one of shockingly few callbacks to the original
Im pretty sure hes on the 'make stupid american hollywood movie-go to central america and make passion project' career trajectory.
Shout out to how great he and Chastain were in Zero Dark Thirty. Theres 2 actors id love to see together again.
Oddly this point break remake rips off the beginning of Cliffhanger.
Even more hilariously the eco warriors are stealing from american companys so apparently the FBI has jurisdiction. Now how an FBI agent played by an english accented Ray Winstone exists im still trying to figure out.
Its pretty simple-people gamble money on sure things. An original untested IP is way less of a risk (in theory) than an estabilished one. Hence having 4 versions of Sherlock Holmes at the same time.
Frankly theres an argument to be made that Bodhi is the goodguy and Utah the bad guy. Delroy Lindo's briefings make it pretty clear that they have to stop the robbers from giving money to poor people.
No Kiedis. Not even a 'Cool out, Warchild.'
I consider The Bourne Identity to be the first real superhero movie of the 2000s. He even has his own theme song!
'Damon also dodged a question about whether he has considered doing any comic book movies himself, which seems to suggest that he’s not really into the whole superhero thing. '
The best part of that scene in Fury Road? It all comes from character. Furiosa is a better shot, why wouldnt Max help her?
Loooved Spectre. Connery Bond without anachronism.
I thought Maggie with Abigail Breslin and Arnold Schwarnegger was waay better as far as female led retro horror films of the year.
Who knew doing a version of the fucking Little Mermaid would be this complicated.
Yeah Boyle definitely made a bad call on that one.
Thats a nadir in American action movies for sure. Olyphant should be McClane not a cyber terrorist.
Say what you will about Liman-he always gets the best from his actors.