Supposedly Lucas had the older Anakin down to 2 actors: Hayden Christensen….. and HEATH LEDGER. I think that worked out well for all of us.
Supposedly Lucas had the older Anakin down to 2 actors: Hayden Christensen….. and HEATH LEDGER. I think that worked out well for all of us.
I think thats his masterpiece performance. How he didnt get any recognition for it is beyond me.
'You are a teacher and a leader.'
Didnt its failure pretty much end Ewan and Danny Boyles working relationship?
Best happy ending of any show ever.
'Those who mess with Bob do so at their own peril.'
I still cant get over how they hold off on Olyphant and Parker meeting. You dont even know your waiting for it-then they get face to face at the burial and its pure lightning.
16 years later and hes still, somehow, not a huge movie star.
Welcome to the future Grandpa!!
I dont know if Ive ever seen Vance be anything less than amazing, even in garbage.
if that was 10 minutes into the movie Id bee cool with it-but thats probably 10 minutes from the end.
Hackman gets a lot of shit (deservedly). But his scene with Zod at the planet in Superman 2? Thats pure perfection for Lex Luthor.
He reminds me of Jim Carrey at the beginning of Batman Forever-same wig and everything.
'Look at the size of that KILL- MAN!!'
As long as he drops the ridiculous African/Native American stuff, hell be golden.
'Never go full Bardem, Friendo'
Well the should have cast the leads for the opposite parts.
Ice T, Rutger Hauer, Gary Busey, Charles S Dutton, F Murray Abraham….
Yeah my best case scenario for Supergirl is CBS boots it over to CW and Kara Dimension jumps over to the DCWverse
blahblahblah just get supergirl in the dcwverse already