You and I have very very different understandings of the term 'conventionally beautiful'
You and I have very very different understandings of the term 'conventionally beautiful'
That girls alright with me…
I think its even crazier shes still really talented. I dont know what people were putting in the water 20 years ago that gave us a bunch of amazing actresses under 25.
Just popping in to say breslin killed it in Maggie, which I think is horror movie of the year above It Follows.
Kevin Costner as Robin Hood over him-what a strange time the 90s were.
Man I loved that Jungle Book as a kid-no talking animals, embracing the 30s adventure feel. Just great.
(looks directly at camera)
It has the distinction of being a parody with the best cast young Robin Hood since Errol Flynn.
'Ive been sleeping with another mans wife!!'
Only in The Dark Knight
Twister is worth it for PSH alone. 'WE CRAVE SUSTENANCE!!'
Classic 'Baxter' if you will.
I thouBundy even though the movie sucked. The guy from Ed?? Give me a break.
Hes great in it, particularly as he has a much more complex role than Broderick.
'From there, your career took such an interesting turn. You could’ve just been the romantic hero, but then you did all these other really interesting things.'
I mean, if he wants to keep film alive, he needs to buy a film company and get other film makers to keep using it.
Pretty sure the whole company would have collapsed if Inglorious Basterds hadnt been a huge hit.
Mentioned it above but Gambit as Jack Burton in a Mutant Big Trouble in Little China is the way to go.