I feel the opposite way. We all know him with a ridiculous voice, why not keep it? Same thing happened with JGL in GI JOE.
I feel the opposite way. We all know him with a ridiculous voice, why not keep it? Same thing happened with JGL in GI JOE.
Switch Christensen and Bell's characters and youve got a solid movie.
Yeah, I have a feeling if it was his choice hed never have left. Its hyperbolic but the dude nearly defined the modern action/thriller with that movie.
Well if they get ray park to play gambit, Im in
The best way to do this is like Big Trouble in Little China with Gambit as the egotistical bumbler stuck in another characters story.
Its kind of his thing. Bourne Identity was supposed to be a B grade 70s spy adaption and Edge of Tomorrow couldnt even get its title right.
Well he gets the paycheck whether its a hit or not.
I mean it has to be Conan right? (which means itll never be on nbc)
Unfortunately WCWs greatest legacy will be spurring WWF into the attitude era.
i dont think there is a weak link. Maeby had the strongest episode of s4
'Anything=bad, unless we can monopolize them for huge profits, then Anything=Good.'
'I don't think his way of filmmaking would particularly suit American methods or studios.'
If anyone ever tells you Julia Louis Dreyfuss isnt funny just show them her line reading of 'I mentioned the bisk'
Also Insesticide would have just come out, which most of those songs are on.
In the time it took to watch this trailer hes already made 2 more movies!!!
Can someone Kickstart something to have Takashi make a movie in America??? I still cant believe this hasnt happened!
'But what about hawkMAN!!!' -HMRA activist
Lets be honest- shes running to another soon to be canceled show.
But who would be in the JLU? Cpt Cold? The Atom?