Run Carla Gugino!! Run!!
Run Carla Gugino!! Run!!
Run Carla Gugino!! Run!!
I feel like this list is pretty weak sauce so while i had issues with the ED remake it still should have been included.
Land of the Dead > Dawn of the Dead 2004
Ill allow it!
Better acted than CITW by a wide margin too.
And then, you know, getting rid of the gun because you accidently shot your friend. Just stay barricaded, with the gun. problem solved.
or 'Thanksgiving.' ?
American Mary
Let Me In
The second half of Jeepers Creepers 2
Id say the best horror of the past 15 years has been on Hannibal.
Wes Anderon
Paul Thomas Anderson
Paul WS Anderson
I saw an interview with Ed Norton where he said hes been trying to convince Anderson to do a Graham Greene 'Third Man' style spy movie. Hopefully he keeps trying.
You joke but you know that would be amazing.
Theres some really intense dark stuff in almost all his movies. Id say the royal Tennenbaums has the darkest.
YES!!! YES!!!!
Jon Fogerty was once sued for plagiarizing Run Through the Jungle a song written by…Jon Fogerty. Copyright law is very strange
Supergirl+green Arrow+ The Flash. any other shows coming out to make the Tv justice league?
has there been a Snyderfied parody yet?
It gets a little lumpy in the third act but it moves like a freight train for the first 2.
'Pitch, Im Perfect'
Jenna Fischer, Amy Adams, Rashida Jones-Jim had it going on.