
We have always been at war with Berenstain.

Metal Circus: That's certainly an uncommon, but definitely defensible choice.

You seriously over-estimate the variety in the music of Little Richard, then.

The Beatles' first 16 hits. One CB cover. Which ones were the Little Richard "rips"?

Er, no. "Hillbilly music", perhaps.

That's damning with…faint damn.

I'll be in my bunk.

I hate you.

I laughed for a full minute at the look on Fusco's face as he realized who the new partner was.

At least he'd let the kid have the Red Ryder…

and not in the kneecaps, please.

Pretty bad.

I was in several episodes as an extra, and I came out of the experience telling anyone who asked that it was going to be awful. At least the establishing shots are beautiful.

Sara Niemietz