The Spaceman

It must be comforting to have a group of bad people to blame every problem on. My Dad spent a few years in Europe when Germany found a scapegoat group to blame for their problems.

I couldn’t agree more. My worst bike wreck was caused by a “nice” driver who decided to stop and let a car into traffic, which drove past her and into me in the next lane over.

I couldn’t agree more. My worst bike wreck was caused by a “nice” driver who decided to stop and let a car into traffic, which drove past her and into me in the next lane over.

I was getting a haircut the other day and watched a guy put his giant Ferrari key fob on every horizontal surface in the salon. The coffee table, the stylist’s desk, the front desk. It was kind of sad.

Perfectly restored to original POS condition. These were crap when they were made, they continued to be crap since the 70's, and they’ll remain crap in the future.

“like a Freman riding a sandworm” is now stuck in my head.

How long will it take to produce versions of weaponized lasers that can withstand aquatic environments? Sharks with frikin laser beams attached to their heads would be a powerful deterrent.

I invented a methane recovery system for Harley Davidson bikes. It includes a louvered saddle, a vacuum methane capture manifold, and of course a fuel-enrichment system to feed the methane to the engine.

Do you know of any good books about the turbine cars at Indy? That has to be an intriguing story.

Do you know of any good books about the turbine cars at Indy? That has to be an intriguing story.

Do you know of any good books about the turbine cars at Indy? That has to be an intriguing story.

Sharif don't like it. 

The solid waste management system on the early Shuttle flights weren’t this bad, but they were pretty awful. They had a “slinger fan” that drew in the free floating turds and sprayed them around the walls of the “collection container.” The fan broke on almost every flight and the collection boxes didn’t seal well. Once

Al Queda here at Al Queda Motors. Are you looking for a great deal on a 2019 Fatwa? How about a leftover 2018 Jihadi? Ask about our low prices on the new Mujaheddin crossover!

The race announcers did a nice job pretending LMP1 was a “race.” I surely hope this is the last year of one manufacturer entering the premier class.

Does Rich Energy remind anyone else of the Fyre Festival?

Did anyone log her peak RPM? Without basic statistics we won't be able to fairly judge future contestants.

If you’d negotiated a little harder you probably could have beaten Tevin down to $300 to take it off your hands.

“Overland” driving can be destructive to wilderness areas and animal habitats. I’ve seen pristine areas of my state turned into lifeless collections of double-track trails, with little vegetation and even less wildlife left after the trucks start rolling in.

“That's the parent's job" was an excellent response. I'd like to think I could handle myself that well in a similar situation.