My mom always said it’s better to be alone than to wish you were. That should be engraved somewhere.
My mom always said it’s better to be alone than to wish you were. That should be engraved somewhere.
Dunno about any of my atheist sisters and brothers out here, but shit like this is always hilarious to me. Up until a fanatic like Pence or Noem start pushing laws.
This was literally my first thought - we are finally finding out what the Internet Generation will do. Millennials walked (i can haz cheezburger?) so Gen Z could RUN and it’s so much fun to watch.
His family produced him, which is strong evidence that they fucking suck.
How do we know the father doesn't have a missing neighbor chained up in the basement? How do we know he's not actually a war criminal in hiding? Because we have to go on the letter, and anything beyond the letter is just stuff you're manufacturing to support a point?
LW’s sister is also taking a lot better care of herself, or did you miss the part where she recovered from an eating disorder??
I love my husband... but he’s an annoyingly good person. Sometimes getting married is worth it! You just have to not settle on the important stuff. Like basic decency.
I find her very pandering in an insincere way to the middle brow audience. She is extraordinarily loaded and has an elite bubble. It’s all trying too hard, I find it transparent. Maybe I’m wrong b/c I never really followed her schtick .
Im gonna get ROASTED for this but I gotta get this off my chest:
“being single is a million times better than living with that nightmare. How desperate are you people to get married that you just excuse this shit?”
My sister has done a tremendous amount of physical and emotional damage because of her actions. What I discuss here is only a fraction of it.
He lessened my enjoyment of Bojack Horseman. I always wished it was someone else. Actually I didn’t even know about the thing you said. It was just instinct or a feeling I always got from him.
“Look, I agree to a point, but what makes you think that his family wouldn’t be just as loving? There are also a lot more things to consider to. Financial aspects for example, and the family situation as well, then you have her health.”
Exactly. I dumped anyone I ever dated that turned out to have shitty bigoted opinions, until I found a partner that was solidly nice and kind. There are plenty of nice people out there. It sometimes just takes a minute to find them.
Why are you trying to focus on hypothetical extenuating circumstances that (for all you know) might not be relevant at all? If there were financial factors that would preclude her sister from caring for their child, don’t you think the LW would have mentioned those very salient details?
The craziest part is that girls and women are constantly bombarded with fat-phobic messaging every fucking day of their lives, so it’s entirely unnecessary to add to that even if you believe that bullshit.
Same for pretty much anyone who looks down on others. People who look down on those who are unemployed or poor often think of themselves as deserving of their jobs and income, and somehow better than those who find themselves in a lesser position, for example.
The question as asked is how to convince your husband that your sister is healthy even if she’s fat. That’s the wrong question. Your sister is valuable whether or not she’s healthy, whether or not she’s fat. Fuck your husband, and fuck his bigotry.
The fat is a distraction to the underlying issue. The sister conquered an eating disorder, as in, she exhibited the power to augment her physicality as well as, a mentality that was diminishing her power. The husband clearly takes issue with powerful women, which is why he would marry a woman who would jeopardize her…
Honey, he’s willing to literally endanger his daughter’s future and potentially leave her twisting in the wind in the case of a tragedy rather than **gasp** let her aunt care for her in a time of need. You certainly cannot make him love your sister as that is not within your power to control, but you can definitely…