I have a feeling that some health food restaurant giving away a free bowl of fermented whole grains just wouldn't get the same response anyway...
I have a feeling that some health food restaurant giving away a free bowl of fermented whole grains just wouldn't get the same response anyway...
What does it mean to say that anyone fell for this? There’s nothing to fall for. You get a free donut. That is the end of it.
I think most people are probably able to eat a free donut without becoming some sort of donut addict. Recognizing there is without a doubt a cynical marketing ploy here, I kind of doubt that many people who take advantage of this are suddenly going to make Krispy Kreme a part of their daily routine as a result of it.…
So address systemic challenges to food access. Lobby a grocery store to give away veggies. Jesus christ. Aren’t you up thread complaining about joyless, humorless progressives? Are they stepping on your gig or something?
Jesus Christ, some of these replies! “What if fat people use their vaccines to scam multiple donuts?!” So. The fuck. What?
We’ve got to stop those sneaky, insidious fat people! They’ll scam us out of house and donuts!
But then they’ll give that box to an organization of their choice! They will get a box of doughnuts then hand that box to a group of strangers! And those strangers will totally eat the box of mystery doughnuts that showed up in the middle of a pandemic! They will definitely eat them and not throw the doughnuts of…
If she’s that concerned that people are eating one donut every day, why would she suggest giving away an entire box of donuts? You just know she thinks people who would eat a donut are like the parents in Spirited Away.
This is conservatives writ large. They oppose social programs and then enjoy the benefits to society that such programs provide without acknowledging where those benefits are coming from . They “vote no and take the dough,” as Pelosi so eloquently put it.
Nothing more manly than relying on the rest of the community to do the heavy lifting for you.
I don't know. I am a gay, but my husband also does this. He'll complain that I just could have reminded him what needs to be done, but that still involves me keeping track of it. I don't want to give him a chore list and follow up, I just want him to do stuff when he sees it (because that's what I have to do.) I don't…
And, as a “real survivor” who was often told to shut the fuck up by my abuser and authority figures (I was a minor) the first time and then didn’t report subsequent abuse because of it, this rhetoric just stands to make none of us report it.
The know EXACTLY what they are doing. The gaslighting is never-ending.
He has a very long history of raising money but with no real documentation of where it goes. He raises money with the promise of starting specific ventures that never come to fruition and the money does not get returned to those who donated. And black women activists have long criticized him for stealing and profiting…
“Who’s Miranda?”
Am absolutely LIVING for people with “don’t tread on me” profile pics defending the British monarchy.
I love how conservative white men are defending the Royal Family.
I actually have been wondering if part of the reason that conservative media is SO fixated on blowing up these trivial things is because between vaccinations and the relief bill, things for Americans will start to improve across the board, and they have to find SOMETHING to keep their base angry.
This is completely ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Typical lib sheeple. Totally distracted by this fluff while the real issues are how Antifa and BLM have castrated Mr. Potatohead and the classic books of Dr. Seuss have been ripped out of our children’s hands! None of this...none!... would’ve happened if Gawd’s Chosen One hadn’t been betrayed by Judas Pence!