Baberaham Lincoln

For some reason, my mind goes to what substances they used just prior to that pic. My read from left to right: weed, cocaine, opioids, booze.

I can’t believe how much dumber I am for reading through the replies to your thoughtful and nuanced comment. Thank you for your patience in the face of people being completely out of pocket not only about your personal experience but clinical expertise. You made a very clear distinction in your original comment about

Even if he’s permanently associated with Parkland, I don’t think it would have been impossible for Hogg to have quietly pursued a venture of his liking. Emma Gonzalez has more followers than him, and we barely know what the heck she’s doing. It’s possible! He decided not to do that though, and well, here’s the fallout.

Oh my god I am shaking my head on this one. I think David Hogg pretty much sums it up here:

You really should just get rid of Facebook. I visit about once a month to see what my friends and relatives are up to and every time it’s instant regret. It was supposed to be a good way to connect with people you don’t get to see as often as you like but over the years it has become a giant breeding ground for QAnon i

Unfriend. Get off Facebook or use it only for marketplace and messenger. Do not scroll unless you want to have a stroke.

This isn’t really the point, but I think a lot of research suggests that people, maybe especially men, drastically overestimate how much women speak in conversations and meetings. If a woman speaks at all, it’s perceived as her dominating the conversation, because women’s voice just aren’t considered as important or

Or use your own money for a campaign to run for local office, Mr. Brilliant. Backseat drivers we’ve got plenty of.

This has been my chief criticism of the Chapo fans; though I, generally, agree with their politics, the distillation of all oppression to class oppression erases so many would-be allies, and I’m honestly not convinced it moves the needle at all, at least not in the US. There are mountains and mountains of research

Same reason Forrest Gump, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, I Am Sam, etc etc etc were nominated. Hollywood LOVES faked disability. Because “look how talented these abled actors are by pretending to have a condition they have never personally experienced and we have no idea if it’s even accurate because we have no personal

This made me want to punch a hole in the wall. Shut the fuck up, you’re a hacky YouTube talk show host. If you’re such a political mastermind, then refute AOC’s reasoning behind voting no instead of doing exactly the kind of pointless name calling that you’re (falsely) accusing her of.

We tried to tell y’all that the leftist/progressive/socialist focus on classism centers white men. Lefty white men need classism as it’s the one issue where they can center themselves. They need it so they can dismiss misogyny, racism, transphobia etc. They use classism to deny the existence of other oppressive

Do you think she knows, as the daughter of John McCain that her father, John McCain has largely been written off by Republicans because their new leader likes people who didn’t get captured, unlike John McCain? She doesn’t mention her father, John McCain, very often so I just want to make sure she’s aware that the

I found this response way too glib. :) No reason OP should not want a fun, motivated person to get through the pandemic with, and share life with beyond. Sounds like she is trying to be there now for him, but is shy to have a serious talk, which - it’s gotta be done. If she’s tried being the more motivating partner,

No, the parent reached out for help because the child was suicidal. The parent did not request that the police handcuff and then pepper spray their mentally distressed child. Also, it’s not clear whether the parent called the police station directly or called 911, but they dispatchers should have sent Person in Crisis

A custodial parent isn’t in charge of the police officer. The police officer, an adult, can use restraint and discretion to not pepper spray a child.

Absolutely we don’t, but that didn’t stop AAFU from lecturing the LW and pretty much telling her she’s shallow and just doesn’t think her boyfriend is funsies anymore.

He is just appealing to the sense of marginalization that rural people feel when they, and every single person they know, or have ever known, within a 200 mile radius, feels like Washington has trampled on them and their concerns for years because the country does not reflect their priorities perfectly (or “to a T” to

Maybe because their vote HAS SEVEN TIMES THE IMPACT OF ANY CALIFORNIAN. ( -- signed a bitter Californian)

Yep, that is the sort of thing I meant, thanks haha. I guess I should have given more concrete examples instead of lumping them together, but I didn’t think someone would literally go and role-play the part of the overreacting commenter.