Baberaham Lincoln

i grew up with pogs, nobody shouted poggers ever in the 90s.

It definitely hasn’t helped that the science has been continuously updating and nationally we’ve had such shit communication. I’ve definitely had a few moments where I was doing something that I thought was current best practice and then someone told me that it had changed.

That comment doesn’t even mention masks, let alone defend anti-maskers though?

I probably come across as a sanctimonious scold as well, but I will say in my defence that here in Toronto — where there is more of a social safety net but low-income workers and POC are still getting fucked over the most by the virus — the people I see people breaking quarantine, the people to whom I’m referring are

Jezeus knows I’ve made my share of snarky comments about how stupid and thoughtless people are. But yeah, the fact is we were lied to and abandoned and deliberately set against each other right from the start by the rancid tangerine in the WH for his own purposes. There was no way the online bashing wasn’t going to

“Chicago West” sounds like the shitty meeting room they always assign to me for conference presentations. 

Yeah, not much mystery, really: kneelers love to pretend that pigs are some indispensable part of society (nevermind the fact that police forces didn’t even exist for the overwhelming majority of human history and only arose in anything like their modern form in the 19th century) and that the job is sooo hard and the

These people aren’t progressives, they’re contrarians

This. It’s a cush job, generally, and they get unlimited OT (which they almost universally abuse). It doesn’t hurt that it perpetually fuels their dual hero/victim worldview, where they are both the only thing standing between civil society and abject chaos... AND the least appreciated, most dangerous job that’s being

Here’s a question: Why don’t cops just quit their jobs if they don’t like them?”

Where’s that? 4chan?

And a dumb one at that. Is everything dumb where you’re from, or just you and that one saying?

it could be all beat to hell, looking like roast beef

This selection of straight ahead photos is strangely fascinating and disconcerting.

He’s like a slightly dumber, paralyzed Hitler Youth version of Kenny Powers.

I think it’s that whole “Aryan men can do anything” spiel.

Just because it gets hard again doesn’t make the memories of hearing “is it in?” go away.

Thank you for posting this. I was watching it live this morning and it was truly moving. I’m actually not going to re-watch it but if I remember correctly it was right after she had read the lyrics to the mariachis’ song (about a mourner longing for death). That’s an old Mexican funeral standard. My son and I cry

I never fail to be horrified that our health care system is so bad people have to live with conditions like that.  Or that it’s packaged for entertianment. 

It’s quirky but fun. Also the company accidentally sent us 2 so we got one for free :)