Baberaham Lincoln

So maybe couldn’t meet the basic impulse control of waiting till his work call was done. He could have turned off his video, he could have gone into another room. He didn’t even meet the basic decency of those who lock their office door or go to the last bathroom stall. That he did this right there shows that the fact

Believe it or not Senator Conryn (R-TX) said it is time to move on.

Has everyone forgotten (or even known about) Boston Legal?

You kids don’t remember Murphy Brown.

Wait it’s it’s just a fucking OnlyFans account? So it doesn’t even have the thin veneer of “but it’s illegal” to pretend this remotely matters?

The only way a story like this should EVER be told is to keep the paramedic anonymous and frame this as a story that shows how SHITTY the pay for EMT’s is. Jesus christ. 

This woman is far more aware than I was at that age. She’s right.

For a bunch of reasons it would be a difficult case, and it probably won’t happen, but I would love to see this woman sue the New York Post over this.  If Gawker deserved to be nuked over fucking Hulk Hogan, the New York Post damn sure deserves to go under for this garbage.

Funny how the veteran FDNY paramedic got to remain anonymous in the article. Good for him.

I get what you’re saying, but it seems like you’re looking for an answer here.

Also, Hollywood pays taxes.

So yeah. You might say he’s pretty good at Cameo.

Movie producers also don’t influence local, state, and federal laws based on what their studio believes.

This is victim blaming at its worst. Why is the impetus always placed on the victim to do things differently? Why aren’t we having conversations about how the abuser should be doing things differently? Shia, of his own free will chose to abuse. He chose his actions. No one else did them for him. Choosing to go out

Movie producers don’t claim that everything they do is okay because God Said So.

I think bookNends sums it up pretty well - working on a movie together about his troubling past was probably emotionally intense and created the illusion that he had any kind of self awareness/recovery. If you read the original article from the Times, she also talks specifically about how he exhibited classic abusive

Uhhh no this isn’t kind of victim blaming it is exactly and literally victim blaming. And it’s shitty. There are many reasons people *end up* in an abusive relationship and none of those reasons are the fault of the person who was abused. She loved someone who wasn’t worth her love. That happens to a whole hell of a

Putting this here for Knope Grope is Last Hope in case they decide to flag my comment again:

I get what you’re saying, but that’s a *really* bad example. The immense difference between organised religion and movie making is that Hollywood doesn’t present itself as a bastion (and, indeed, source) of morality. Nobody in Hollywood has ever claimed that you have to be a member of it’s congregation to *be* a

The conversation a lot of us have been trying to have is,why do people think religion is immune from criticism?” and it never goes on from there. You can’t say religion is unfairly persecuted when people regularly do evil shit under the guise of it and there’s always a healthy majority willing to sweep it under the

Churches claim moral superiority.