Baberaham Lincoln

This is something I used to hear from other moms who were in the ‘traditional’ stay-at-home wife sphere - they preferred their traditional role because, to them, working outside the home just meant you were doing all the household chores and childcare AND holding down a paid job, so since the husband wasn’t going to

My sister took advantage of lots of therapy moving online at the beginning of the pandemic, finally convincing her dude of 15 years (they have kids together, too) to try it. A few weeks in the therapist followed up with my sister individually and recommended she see a different therapist 1-on-1 and tell that therapist

Learned helplessness! I was just explaining the concept to my parents this weekend, after hearing some STORIES about one of my mother’s colleagues. 

Can this possibly surprise anybody with a brain stem? Men get away with as much as they’re allowed to, always.

Remember there’s only one thing men have to do to reinforce sexist roles: nothing.

It must be nice to be a man who just gets to tap out whenever they feel like it.

They cannot split screen Biden and Trump on inauguration day. The swearing in of a President is a moment in history. A Trump rally is just audio vandalism.

Ugh....whatever, Donald! Go play with the plane while the adults talk.

I don’t see the point of getting married at all, but if you’re going to do it, a year and a half is not that short a time as far as I have ever seen. Furthermore, I’ve seen people get married after a few months and still be together 20 years later, while I’ve seen people get married after a decade together and divorce

Some of them also seem to have a preoccupation with bestiality as well.

The most surprising takeaway from this article is that Don Imus “was nearly 50 years old at the time” of that incident.  He looked 20 years older.

About a year before we broke up, I found out from a friend that he had a secret profile on a dating app. I tried to forgive him and restore trust in the relationship, but I couldn’t overcome my insecurities.

Strategic projection. Which makes me really wonder about the Q loons.

She’s trying to turn an insult into a compliment because that’s the only thing she CAN do.

Much like with QAnon, it’s far more telling than they realize how SURE they are that everyone is doing voter fraud every chance they get. 

I agree but it’s tasteless to make a celebrity gossip joke about something so serious - not just the kidney transplant but the fact that she had to have it because she suffers from a terrible disease called lupus (which I also have so I feel for her and think the reference was tacky).

Oh, you bet. to requote Cynthia Heimel again, these people have devoted their actual lives to a sweepingly false paradigm. To lay there and really grasp that you brought this on yourself because you wanted the sweet nectar of lies more than a life? No way could they be okay with that.

That’s where the denial comes in. Not only do you gasp your last breath believing that Dear Leader would never let this happen, the rest of the cult sinks ever deeper into lies, and shuns any of your family or friends who are shocked into awareness.

Except for the part where no one was “canceled” and she got even more free publicity from the whole thing.

Bringing up the cancelling of 16 year old acting spoiled and gagging over snails in a video made for other 16 year old girls is why people rail against cancelling.