Baberaham Lincoln

I like how he’s got no problem calling the vice president-elect a “whore” but he censors himself when typing out the word “shit”.

Terribly violent to their rights, the way we we go “Hey man, it would be cool if you treated people equally.”  The horror. 

Don't forget standing outside clinics threatening pregnant women (and occasionally going inside and opening fire!). That's us too, right? 

Yeah, the terrible violence of the left! Boy howdy, are we lefties known for our violence and our shootings and our constant beatings of our domestic partners! So violent, us lefties who are known for lurking around public spaces with openly brandished firearms! Joining militias! Beating the shit out of reporters!

Plus if those wusses think HRC was still getting her period when she was running for president, our sex education system sucks. 

Further than that. This has been the GOP playbook since a piece of shit by the name of Gingrich decided they would win at any cost.

They’ve been doing this in earnest since at least the 2010 midterms when they went nuclear on gerrymandering. Now they’re just trying to hold on to power that by rights they shouldn’t have.

He shouldn’t have won the 2016 election.

They are absolutely willing to see the entire country burn to the ground to spite their political enemies. It’s a scorched earth policy that they know they can’t properly benefit from in any sensible way, which they are fine with because that is not the point.

We really can’t afford to be dismissive of this, the way we were dismissive of Trump’s campaign in 2015. Or how we were dismissive of Trump fighting the Mueller investigation in the press.

I had no doubt the orange mutant baboon would obstruct the transition. Why wouldn’t he? That would be admitting he’s a loser just like his father always knew he was. We already know he doesn’t give a fuck about the country or the citizens. If he can make it as hard as possible for Biden to get up and running, he can

Shit on Orange County all you want, but we gave you Katie Porter again, so you’re welcome.

I think most people who have pointed out right-wing fascist tendencies growing since the Reagan Bush years can now feel thoroughly vindicated in saying “I told you so”.

I think most people who have pointed out right-wing fascist tendencies growing since the Bush years can now feel thoroughly vindicated in saying “I told you so”.

All the “you’re being alarmist, what will you do when a REAL fascist shows up?” people – the whole half-of-an-electorate of them –have proven conclusively

This. As of right now, 67 MILLION Americans looked at that lying orange piece of crap and said “That’s my guy.” No matter how this shitshow ends, we all have to live with knowing how many awful people can’t be bothered to worry about anyone but themselves.

What we learned is that many White people lied. We have learned that many Americans, our neighbors, our cousins, our friends, so called “allies”, “suburban moms”, “moderates”, “independents” are lying cowards who lie to gullible pollsters. The dishonesty and the cowardice is very much on brand for those that don’t have

If the republican base is too stupid to understand what actually benefits them, then why can’t we start exploiting that? You never hear us yelling that the republican plans for three new pieces of military equipment will “cost you X many more tax dollars.” Everything proposed by both sides costs tax dollars. We need

what you describe was going to happen anyway, even if this had been a landslide. The GOP and their constituents excel at sitting on the sidelines and sniping at Dems who sincerely want to govern and make peoples lives better, because the GOP excels at conveying messages so simple to their cavemen that even they can

It’s possible to have this discussion on any day but Election day. This article is 8 months too late or 2 months too early.

Cool. Let’s publish this think piece on Jan 21, 2021 if we have the luxury the moment DONALD FUCKING TRUMP IS NO LONGER THE PRESIDENT.