Baberaham Lincoln

I respect anybody who grew up buried in the Just World Fallacy and who manages to walk away. Thinking you’re better/smarter/a harder worker than people who are suffering is a helluva drug. See: my entire family. (The only just bankruptcies are our bankruptcies! Other people are lazy and entitled! We just had bad luck!)

I did not know this about the Bosas. Drag him, bruh. Drag him.

I thought we had stopped calling them TERFs and were going over to FARTs - Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes

Jezebel is apparently trying to be Splinter’s “Cool Girl” now.

Its poor writing and honestly its disheartening coming from Jezebel but I’m not surprised. This site shat on Hillary every chance it got in 2016, including that awful article about her not wanting to sit down and interview with Jezebel. Why would she?

Don’t cop out on it now. There is nowhere in your post that reads that way. This post was petulant and made entirely to satisfy your need to hear yourself sound righteous. 

Hey Lauren, I just want to chime in along with everyone else and let you know this is a really shitty post. Like, colossally shitty. I don’t even have any snark for you. Clinton won the popular vote, she was profoundly qualified, and she got shat on for being a woman who knows how to get shit done in a world dominated

Yikes. This is kind of heartbreaking. Woman wins popular vote, helping pave the way for a number of exciting female leaders, and gets shat on for existing by feminist blog. What would you like her to do, disappear completely? Sounds that way.

This post is actually insane: “her disastrous loss definitely afforded her a few pearls of wisdom.” Tell that to the 65,844,610 people who voted for her (compared to Cheeto’s 62,979,636 votes). She’s the most successful women politician in American history, and I think she deserves a little more respect than this crap.

What a hot take. Groundbreaking, truly.

Yeah what could people possibly learn from someone who has spent almost their entire adult lives in the political sphere? Jesus this post is garbage.

I was inspired by her campaign as were many she won the goddamn popular vote. She shouldn't run again because it will just be a repeat and she has sense. No need to shit on her work. 

Associating Jews with communism?

Against access to birth control.

Confession time. I’m a Washington Post and Slate troll, but not that kind. I look at it like this: these guys don’t care and/or don’t want to hear facts, figures, arguments, etc. There’s no mind changing. So I have a little fun instead.

That only matters to people who care about his hypocrisy. Neither he, nor his family, nor the politicians who support him, nor the people who vote for him care what sort of sins (I do not believe abortion is a sin, but he and his ilk claim they believe it is) he has committed in the past. They care about what he can

Will make exactly the same amount of difference as did proving he grabbed women by the pussy and had an affair.

Ugh. Again: while a person’s religious beliefs might ascertain some specific moment at which “personhood” begins - whether at zygote or first breath - in this country, making laws based on the theology of a limited group of its citizens bumps right into the whole Establishment Clause thing. The hypocrisy among the

David O’Steen, executive director of the National Right to Life committee, told Politico that he hopes Trump will “continue to speak from the heart if he’s as shocked as most people are by the idea of after-birth abortions,” because apparently anti-abortion activists are trying to make “after-birth abortion” a thing

Hank Snow, for me. He’s been everywhere, man.