Baberaham Lincoln

So our choices for Virginia’s governorship are:

LifeSite is...not reliable. It is a Religious Right propaganda site. Holcomb’s account hits every square on the Religious Right Life-Is-A-Left-Wing-Conspiracy Bingo card, but she’s subtle about it, and if you didn’t grow up speaking the language, you might miss it. I have no doubt that she had a relationship with

OMG, are you kidding me with that forced-birther propaganda bullshit? “they punctured my uterus with a large needle and left me alone... the baby came out of me alive and was allowed to die.” That’s straight fantasy. That is not how abortions work. 

We need to stop hoping billionaire white guys will save us. They won’t.

Why is Blake Lively the exception? She is the blandest of all the basic-but-pretty girls.

Bitchy comment alert!

He could be economically anxious. Or part of America’s forgotten middle class. Maybe he’s a victim of the opiod crisis. Or involuntarily celibate. But really I’m sure he was polite to his neighbors and a fan of country music.

as a black man, i really dont find any of that shit funny or revealing. just confirming what ive always known and felt. fucking frustrating part is this theater is just funny to people while its potentially life altering for others. 

Where are the Republican civility police when you actually need them? 

She added that “this decision should not embolden the defendants to engage in more aggressive conduct,” and that “several of the defendants’ actions came close to crossing the line from activity protected by the First Amendment to conduct prohibited by” state law.’

I’m just going to reply to myself because I’m about to go to bed, and I don’t want to leave the greys hanging-

It seems obvious that everyone involved with Operation Save America (which is a hilarious name for an org that is intent on destroying women’s lives) should also be subject to doxxing. I am an avid OPPONENT of doxxing, as I think it is repugnant. However, I’m sick and tired of conservative groups being able to

These people know exactly what they’re doing. They want these health care providers to be harassed, threatened, and probably attacked.

What is the purpose of these mailings? It can only be terrorism.

Loads of brands do this with their unsold, higher end merchandise. Notice how you’ve never seen a Louis Vuitton handbag at a Tj Maxx or a Burlington Coat Factory. It’s not because they sell them all. It’s because they buy back merchandise and destroy it to keep it out of the hands of poor people. Capitalism is gross.

Not surprised that TJ Miller is a POS, that the cast and production were complicit, and that HBO is “disappointed” by it all. This is old. #allmen

Fair enough. Listening to Penn Jillette and Conor Friedersdorf their response seems to be it’s a civil matter, the real problem is our prudery about naked bodies and employers shouldn’t care, revenge porn is just a matter of hurt fee fees, freedom of speech. 

It upsets me so much, just knowing that there are smug little bastards like this one still out there thinking themselves righteous victors because they got off scot-free. There are so many horrific things men do to women that it can be overwhelming sometimes, but what really gets to me is just the thought of all these

If they were anarchists, they’d be called anarchists. They’re called libertarians because they like anarchy-lite. 

we regret to inform you, Milkshake Duck is a racist.