Baberaham Lincoln

The entire piece reads like this wife became unhinged about the picture sent to her husband and pitched the whole trend story to the Times, in order to be like “this woman is crazy and this vagina picture is awful, right?!!?!?” to about 50 people and get paid to do it. 

Its like trying to say cops killing black people is cool because black-on-black crime.” Women are rightfully screaming about being innundated unsolicited dick pics and NYT is like, but this lady sent a vag pic (then body shames the pic). The patriarchy, its always the patriarchy (except when its white superiority

Why does everyone think the photo was unsolicited? The reference to “cyber-infidelity” makes it seem more like her husband got caught cheating because of an inopportune text and since she stayed with him she is taking her anger out on this other woman - who she takes care to mention was also cheating on her partner.

Yes! Not only is this unethical but she’s using her platform just to trash a woman her husband is cheating with.

Reporter’s husband gets sexy pic from woman-husband-is-cheating-with. Reporter finds out, gets copy of sexy pic of woman-husband-is-cheating-with. Reporter uses the NY effen Times to call woman-husband-is-cheating-with fat with ugly vag.

She’s transferred her rage at her husband cheating to the woman he cheated on her with.

Also, because the writer calls it “Cyber infidelity”, it leads me to believe there was a bit more than just one unsolicited photo.

Wow... regardless of if it was the writer’s husband receiving this unsolicited vag pic or just some rando vag pic it is wholly disgusting to pick apart the appearance of a person’s body for the whole world without their express consent. Gross, gross, gross.

Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible

Especially after I read some of the other comments in the greys. . .

This country needs to stop claiming it’s a “Christian” nation.

i learned all this in americorps, too! generational poverty is fucking real, man, and it’s a bitch, and it doesn’t just mean you’re cash poor. 

the sad truth is that lots of people don’t know about the resources that are out there. sometimes people don’t know where to start when they need help. people don’t have cash flow and access to google and the internet all the time.

The article notes that the daughter/family claims that they registered their mother’s medical needs with the electric company so that her power couldn’t be turned off in just such a situation,. Now the electric company is claiming  that they have no such record of this - and I don’t know what the truth is but I’m


the sad truth is that lots of people don’t know about the resources that are out there. sometimes people don’t know where to start when they need help. people don’t have cash flow and access to google and the internet all the time.

lol you’re a fucking sociopath, someone died and you’re all “welp these companies gotta keep their doors open!”

Now playing

The people responding to your comments are experiencing something called “Cognitive Dissonance”. When people (ccomfort, ddiiggss, kat lyons etc ) begin to feel discomfort when they are faced with behaviors (in this case,your comment) that goes against their fundamental belief (I.e, this isn’t racist) People don’t

So you want to dictate my feelings and experience as a Black person on this issue? I’d almost wonder what white people (or white adjacent) have to gain in attempting to invalidate people of color when they speak up. I said almost because the answer is always to reinforce the status quo, silence Black people’s voices,

Okay I wasn’t going to say anything but this is probably the fifth illustration that has something negative to say about pregnancy/motherhood that uses a Black body. If your artist isn’t Black I think you really need to consider the bias and racial implications of the messaging of these illustrations. I applaud