Baberaham Lincoln

Donegan’s piece is amazing. I love her line about how sexual harassment takes a toll on women in how we end up “spending hours dissecting the psychology of the kind of men who do not think about your interiority much at all.” Incredibly relatable.

I think outing herself was Donegan’s way of regaining control. Imagining what drove her to create that list in the first place, I doubt there’s nothing left else that she’s afraid of.

Did anybody think multiple Gawker Media employees wouldn’t be on it? This is the place where Jezebel writers had to write several public blog posts calling their own company out on how they were getting spammed with really gross, violent, pornographic images in the comments to get them to do anything about it, and


Attacking a noted anti-feminist pro-rape troll like Roiphe based on her own words and own ideas is not a personal attack. We get it. You are a misogynist and a right-winger. How about you leave Jez and I09 and the rest of the former gawker sites because you are clearly not enjoying the majority of articles here. Just

Roiphe’s career has always been scolding feminists for doing anything. In 1994 she wrote “The Morning After,” about sexual harassment and rape on campus. It was about how women one college campuses were making victims of themselves, creating an atmosphere of fear, and shouldn’t be asking the government for social

So the dude who made a name for himself being an asshole to people in online games turns out to be an asshole in real life?

If Billy Bush were a peer or friend of Trump’s and was egging him on like that, I’d agree he was a complicit asshole. But he was subordinate to both Trump and his NBC bosses (for whom Trump had the #1 show on TV), so Bush really wasn’t empowered do the right thing without fearing for his job.

How easy to say, when it’s Billy Bush’s career at stake and not yours.

The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification.

Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.

It’s because they are all about projection. They lie, therefore they are convinced we lie too.

What hurts me though is that this can still work in Alabama. O’Keefe releases his doctored as fuck video, Fox News runs with it like the good propaganda fucking arm they are and the good assholes of Alabama vote for a child molester because all those ladies were lying Fox told us so.

According to him though, he totally didn’t get owned, you got owned, you and your mother both did! HE SHIT HIS PANTS ON PURPOSE!!!

That asshole shouldn’t be running a fucking lemonade stand.

Well, there was a civil war about this sort of thing, sorta. The good guys won in the end, but it wasn’t fun for anyone involved. So, is there hope? Sure.

It’s called “Whataboutism” and it’s a much used deflection tool in this administration.

You’re confused. No one is silencing white supremacists and the KKK. What they’re facing is social consequences for their speech. This is the government coming after a woman for exercising free speech in the public square. No government agency went after Trump voters wearing Trump That Bitch t-shirts.

I don’t work in law enforcement, but I do watch a lot of people play LEOs on I don’t understand how they can pretend they weren’t threatening/shaming her on FB rather than trying to find her when they could probably look up the car’s owner through the DMV. They didn’t want to talk to her, they wanted to send a