Baberaham Lincoln

Sidenote- Terry Zwigoff also directed the documentary Crumb about the eponymous and problematic cartoonist. Sort of a real-life complimentary piece to Ghost World as it touches on similar themes.

I just skip it all! No money wasted on blades, foam, wax, or patriarchy! :D

So does a bitch gotta troll to get ungreyed around here or what?

So you think it’s normal to spend 3 years making the same bad joke that was already old when you started? I’m guessing you’re a dad.

This is like the CliffsNotes of everything you need to know about this guy.

Loco’s high blood pressure is going to kill him long before any Muslim can get near him.

I’m loving this decade. This is the decade of “Wait, what do you mean I have to be responsible for my actions now?”

Hey numbnuts, this too is probably an outcome of toxic masculinity.

While some of us have never trolled, and are rarely ungreyed. Such is Kinja, I guess *shrugs*

*I* wasn’t the one who associated racist and xenophobia with conservatives. That was *you*.

Or the inability of people, when the attacker isn’t brown to say, yeah this fucking asshole just committed an act of terrorism.

Yeah, no. And, why the fuck are you here, troll?

So fucking awful, the way that they almost gleefully celebrate being “right”, while young girls lost their lives. Gross. Oh, and then there are the assholes who are making “jokes” about Grande’s music killing people. Disgusting.

Or, you know, recognize what a waste of energy Twitter slapfights are and ignore them. They’re not gonna be the first people in history to go “oh, I never saw it that way until you came along. I apologize!”

Thats exactly what white nationalists are, they have pretty much failed in everything at life. (look at richard spencer he was a grad school dropout who couldn’t hold a job before using his rich parents money to start the NPI)

This is basic conservative governing strategy, too. Push and squeeze those they think beneath them, typically the poor (black and white, but mostly black). When the poor push back together, the conservative leadership suddenly scapegoats the non-whites for fighting back violently, who are usually left with little

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

They aren’t “defunding” Planned Parenthood. They are telling hundreds of women that they aren’t allowed to see their preferred doctor. We need to reframe the argument to make the idiots understand. If your insurance company said you weren’t allowed to see the doctor you like because that doctor performs unrelated

That idea that queer-identified men can’t or don’t sexually assault women is dangerous and short-sighted.