Baberaham Lincoln

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

Watching all of his money get stolen by the Russians once they take over the banks as a result of his influence. Then dying from various painful ailments while begging for change on the streets in front of Fox News headquarters.

To you, but to millions of poor brown people in the US or Iraqis whose lives have been ruined by the particular brand of conservatism Ailes was singularly responsible for promoting and legitimating, his life’s work was every bit as directly evil and impactful as someone like Hitler.

Time to Godwin, but would it have been bad to celebrate Hitler’s death? If you say no, then it’s not a matter of whether it’s wrong to celebrate a death, it’s just a matter of line drawing.

His pops pulled out and the would-be Roger Ailes turned in to a stain on the sofa.


22 years ago.

Skull fucked to death by a gang white nationalists who discover he’s 25% black.

Well, when you consider Trump was never popular as a candidate, that his toxic and dishonest personality is repulsive to liberals, that he lost the popular vote by millions only won the election because of an archaic system that gives outsized influence to small states where conservatives tend to dominate, I’m not

It’s like they don’t have any unifying platform besides hate and now that they can’t be “the voice of the opposition” they’re tearing each other apart.

I said this in an article about one of the various controversies last week...Trump’s only purpose for his 70 years on Earth was marketing himself.

A baby bird in the nest that opens its brightly-colored mouth and makes a peep sound will be fed by its parents. It will continue doing this until it is a fully grown bird. Meanwhile, a baby bird that does not do this will starve to death.

If he wants to stay apolitical, fine, stay apolitical. But having Trump on his show and having the type of show he did with Trump is the definition of NOT staying apolitical. He can’t have it both ways. For better or worse, whether you agree it’s fair or not, having a Presidential candidate on your show is an

Because we’re allowed to focus on more than one inappropriate/outrageous thing at a time? Because a public servant flipping off a reporter who’s just doing her job is another alarming sign of disrespect for his constituents, the free press and democracy as a whole? Because this behavior is only the latest in Issa’s

It’s not a “scandal,” it’s an example of a known bully being a dick yet again, and lying about it when called out for being a dick.

More to remind us what a thug this guy is, and the level of corruption the Republican Party will go to advance their agenda over the American people. This is a guy with known ties to money laundering, car chopping enterprises and bribery. I wish I were making this stuff up.

I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?

Fuck being fair. Trump wasn’t going to stop being a greedy asshole after he became a fucking world leader. That’s gaslighting, and believing he was going to change was, to put it lightly, severely misguided.

Is it really that surprising coming from a piece of garbage like that? He probably thinks slave owners aren’t racist because they raped the female slaves all the time.

Is anyone else just completely fucking disgusted by the post in regards to his half-asian baby and how his white nationalist friends just love her to bits? Like, how fucking low of a person do you need to be to use your own offspring as ammunition in your racist rhetoric?