Baberaham Lincoln

Oh for sure, I mean I do the same thing of wondering if they’re pregnant or am I about to make a huge ass of myself by suggesting! I was a full 7 months along and obviously huuuge when I started averaging out this list in my head. There were still elderly and “hipsters” who gave me seats occasionally. Also I hate

there’s a federal law, the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) act, which prohibits blocking the doors. However, it’s really fucking difficult to get local police to enforce it. It’s doubtful whether the fucksticks who were arrested today will face charges.

Smoking is gross. Indoor smoking is even more gross. Indoor smoking that ruins original art pieces and haute couture gowns people spent months making for these idiots is reprehensible.

We’ll if you want to keep women pregnant this is a pretty clever rule since they would be having sex right around ovulation

Every time something big is going to happen, it just peters out. Nothing ever sticks to Trump, it’s annoying.

I have two questions:

Yeah, forcing a couple (who likely came together via arranged marriage) to obsess to this degree over the “correctness” of their sex lives and insisting that their male religious leader have a say in the woman’s sexual health totally doesn’t harm anyone nosirree

You don’t think that brainwashing girls into believing that having periods makes them “impure” is harmful?

How is it possible that this motherfucker has THE WORST possible taste with everything. Literally everything. He’s a fucking caricature.

Isn’t it funny that the God who created the whole, wide, largely empty universe is concerned with weird shit like this? It’s so odd how all his obsessions happen to sync with a bunch of dudes who lived in the Middle East a couple thousand years ago. Almost like a bunch of sexist dudes just made the whole thing up.

They almost always do harm people, though. Kids who are brainwashed into believing this crap. Women who are forced to be subservient to men (hello orthadox Judaism). Public education that is warped by a community’s religious beliefs. Homosexuals who are ostracized by their families.

I would just like to say that most of the rules in most of the religions in the world are fucking moronic.

He really is a dumb piece of shit who sucks at everything.

Meanwhile on Fox News, Comey “resigns”:

1. This type of zero-sum, simplistic thinking paints a compelling picture that these people are a bunch of pea-brains incapable of handling complex matters (if the healthcare debacle wasn’t convincing enough).

Trump has never worked for anyone, never had a partner, never was subordinate. So nobody ever told him he was wrong, and as a result he can’t take any constructive criticism or acknowledge error.

As much as I agree with everything else you’re saying here, could you not with the whole calling-women-anorexic-because-they’re-skinny thing? It’s not only uncool because it conflates being skinny with having an eating disorder (when it’s not uncommon to fall in either category but not both), but because it undermines


Thank u Joanna for ur #bravery