Baberaham Lincoln

As a woman who has never worn make-up on a regular basis (98% of the selfies I’ve ever taken have been “no make-up selfies”), celebs swooping in and being all I DISCOVERED MAKE-UPLESSNESS is also super annoying to me as well.

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women

I love this for so many reasons. Mostly, I love that she had the apparatus to climb up that pole. If the revolution was dependent upon my upper body strength, we’d be doomed.

I always liked this one of Blair Imani being arrested at a protest in Baton Rogue. (This photo is also her Twitter header photo).

I don’t think O’Reilly will go down in history at all, he’ll disappear like the fart cloud he is.

One really sick part about this whole thing is that this is how A LOT of white people talk when no one else is around. The Trump era has made people think this is OK to not only say while at home, but on national television. People need to be publicly shamed for saying shit like this.

Words are insufficient to describe my seething hatred of Bill O’Reilly. Fuck this guy and his smug, irritating, racist, sexist bullshit.

Maxine Waters is a national treasure and hero. Her vote against the Iraq War Resolution in 2002 will confer upon her a legacy of being one of the few politicians of the era of courage and conscience.

I remember during the primaries around a year ago, a local radio show had a panel discussion about the primaries, and a local woman (Bernie supporter) when asked: “do you believe Hillary will be better on women’s issues?” Said no, Bernie would. I shouted “are you kidding me?!” at the radio, and the host of the show

Correct. We can’t fight their belief system with ours in a straight up fight. And the reason is with their world view things look entirely different. Where we see obstructionism they see defending the country, and so on and so forth.

You need to understand how the right thinks...

I can’t stress this enough: every time I heard someone (including Bernie, and I like Bernie) talk about ‘the Establishment’ during the election, my head nearly exploded. Republicans have controlled Congress for most of my life. They ARE the establishment.

It’s charming how quickly his backers can switch from “Donald is an alpha male silverback gorilla who will not shit from anyone” to “Donald is a precious little baby who is not accustomed to Washington, D.C., and must be sheltered from those nasty politicians”. Supporting Donald is a tremendously corrupting enterprise.

please list the number of times a man’s outfit has kept them from boarding a flight? 

That is absolue bullshit. Those passes are OWED to employees and their family, and absolutely should not be licsense for the employer to have a say in what they wear. Especially when they are flying for leisure and not on duty. They can’t govern someone’s personal choices like that. Certainly not children who don’t

Imagine if this had been mentioned several times in the article you skimmed. Just imagine!

Remember, it died because it wasn’t evil enough for most Republicans.

Its an outrage. I’m calling my representative in Moscow.

Having lived through the seventies, this thing gives me the creeps because it talks like every adult male who went through e.s.t. seminars, smoked weed, had a hot tub, and wanted to have inappropriate conversations with me at my parents’ parties as a tween/young teen.