Baberaham Lincoln

It’s happening right now.

Don’t forget “American Exceptionalism”

The upshot of all of those contradictions is that they don’t want women making any kind of decisions at all, because whatever decision you make is automatically wrong. So just do what your husband tells you, he knows best anyway.

I also brew my own flu vaccine in a vat out back behind the birthin’ shed. Don’t need no gummint help nossir.

Seriously. Why the fuck do I have to pay for his testicular cancer screenings? Why do I have to pay for anything that doesn’t affect me directly? I pave my own roads and teach my own schools and put out my own fires too! I AM AN ISLAND AND MY ISLAND HAS NO MAN-PARTS.

“Just give me a little trim up top, and in the ears, and get rid of all the Mexicans. Terrific, terrific.”

No it is not a stretch. He deliberately left his own town and state and came to New York because it’s a media center because he wanted to make sure what he did got out. He targeted someone specifically because they’re black and chose a place in order to increase the number of eyeballs who saw the story. He either

Orlando: one guy

Same. All I can see in the news report if I get murdered is “former drug addict” as if somehow twenty-plus fuckin’ years after I smoked my last rock that’s how I’m viewed instead of as “a nobody jagoff who wasn’t that terrible of a person, was possibly maybe sort of kinda partially somewhat decent more often than he

So... sounds a lot like 11 prior bullshit arrests for being black for the past 66 years. Then murdered by an albino snappy dresser.

Is there a larger group he could come from? Angry, stupid white guy liberation front? What machine are you raging against bro

Jackson is an Army vet who picked New York City because it’s the “media capital of the world and he wanted to make a statement,”

We generally charge Muslim terrorists with terrorism and white terrorists with something else.

The African American populace is and has been in terror via the very real threat of white people killing us in the name of white supremacy. State-suppported, systemic, institutional white supremacy *is* the larger operation. This crime does not exist in a vacuum and should not be separated out from the multitude of

“The sharp dressing assailant is kind to his dogs, loves Game of Thrones and is known for bottling excellent home brewed lagers. His Oscar parties were always the best among his peers. It’s likely that he knew the deceased was no innocent.

It isn’t a stretch if he is associated with a group that advocates violence.

The AP notes that similar bans have been struck down in four other states.

Would this be good reading for someone with no intention of procreating but who has had multiple relationships fail due to unequal labor division? ASKING FOR A FRIEND.

So we're done with blow jobs now, right? Wrap it up, ladies, the bros have spoken.