I doubt that all of these "nurds" are people like Sam, Bill, and Neal from Freaks and Geeks.
I doubt that all of these "nurds" are people like Sam, Bill, and Neal from Freaks and Geeks.
This is valid to a point, but point to one privileged group that's ever raised its hand and said, Yep, too much influence here, that's just about enough for us, thanks.
When it comes to tattoo cover-ups, the winner is "Wino Forever" forever.
I went home with a guy once and laid down on his bed to do the sexy time in the dark and THERE WAS HALF A PIZZA ON THE PILLOW. I picked pepperoni and cheese out of my hair while I walked back down the stairs to my car and left.
Like seriously? HOW?
I promise it is not. I checked the tags.
Sometimes it is an easy decision. Sometimes there are no emotions involved at all. I feel for women that struggle with it.
Benefit more than women of color =/= benefit as much as white men.
"We sincerely apologize on behalf of McKenna Peterson's feminism. Please accept these complementary pom pom's as our way of saying we look forward to seeing you on the field. They're pink!"
That's not exactly true. Diseases like HPV and even syphilis can be caught through other methods (i.e. passed from mother to child, spread via an oral-genital route, etc.) Also, a lot of 'virgins' over 18 have had oral sex, which can also spread STDs.
There's a lot going on in this story. Rape culture. Male entitlement. The horrifying fact that people are carrying guns around for no damn reason.
"Why do women string men along and make men think they're interested instead of giving us an honest answer?"
"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit
Go back to your video games and your compulsive masturbation.
"Stop being so enraged by your inequality! If you used a different tone, I would care more about your disenfranchisement!"
Last line: 'she has stated that the joke is meant to point out that it's "not okay for men on the internet to demand that women use their time to explain things to men for free." '
Seem? Certain people? I got news for you. Saying, "maybe women should form their own studio and make their pink games for girls" doesn't seem sexist to certain people. It is sexist as an objective fact. You imply that women should be segregated into their own studio because they and what they want are not "main…