I agree with everything you said.
I agree with everything you said.
My mother, the worlds largest prude (she thinks Dancing With The Stars is "stuff they ought to keep in the bedroom") LOVES 2 1/2 men. Watches every episode multiple times and attempts to tell me the plot, though she can never remember the characters' names (except for Charlie) and calls them "that little guy" and "the…
Beg to differ - nowadays they are working alongside people with college degrees and mountains of debt. That is a horror story if I've ever heard one.
Yeah, except now they're teaching you that you better really enjoy the four-or-so years you spend hitting the books, 'cause afterwards you're going to be right back at that shitty job. Minus 4 years of incremental raises and a promotion to night shift manager.
Summer Jobs also teach you that there are people who do these shitty jobs full time, year round, so you better hit the books if you want do something else with your life.
"You think you know, but you have no idea" is from MTV's Diary, not Cribs.
Say what you will about Scout Willis' campaign to free the nipple, but she has a point. Saw this on Tweet Beat yesterday. I only use instagram to share pics with my mom. It is my way of ensuring she never comes to twitter. I am quite over it at this point but I think she would be devastated if I gave it up.
What do you mean 50 years ago?
No wonder most Americans automatically side with Israel, we're both wealthy nations filled with shamelessly self-absorbed assholes so far removed from any conflict we enter that it's incredibly easy to cheerlead for atrocities. I wish I could even be surprised that Violent Nationalism Selfies are a thing, but I can't.
If you carrot all, you'll Google her.
Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.
How much of a sexist ass do you have to be to declare it "uncommon" for 18% of women to get raped? If, in fact, that statistic were accurate, that would not denote "uncommon," bit it's still low. You also arguing that we treat all women as inherently unreliable witnesses to crimes committed against them, which harms…
They are! I was just racisming the other day...I haven't laughed so hard since the Smothers Brothers.
No, seriously though, shut the fuck up, honky.
when poc have colonized and murdered their way over 90% of the world you can start talking about racism.