Baberaham Lincoln


It's a stupid joke people put on t shirts. "Coffee/Football/Needlepoint is not a matter of life and death. It's much more important than that."

"Hunting is not a matter of life or death. It's much more important than that."

I cleaned my PAX and traveled with it in my carry on - no problem. Is there a rule against it? I hope not!

I'm not down for killing anyone at all, but I find it ironic that Facebook's all about killing this page when there are a shitton of Elliot Rodger fan pages still alive and well. It'd be nice to see some consistency.

Good thing we're not talking about cigarettes, then.

I don't object to the media filming them, but live streaming a situation like this just doesn't sit well with me.

To be fair, I don't think s/he was saying the police should be allowed to chase them away or censor them, but that the media should reconsider their choices.

The media should really think about airing these standoffs and police chases live. I get that this asshole did a really shitty thing, shooting two kids and other people, but should the mother or an (hopefully) adult child be watching this scene unfold, I don't feel like they should have to watch their loved one

Comments on local news stories are completely horrifying.

Nobody is acting like this is the feminist hill to die on, that doesn't mean it isn't worth pointing out.
It's an example of something that actually IS a problem - the demonization of women's genitalia.
It's not a problem in a vacuum, as your post assumes.

The computer program? That just was birthed in Da Cloud. Untouched by human intent. But also included penis and dick but not clit nor vagina, magically.

Yes, because they're not both basically sodium lauryl sulfate with additives. Give me a break.

Or water with sugar, and LOTS of lemons.

quick, what are a few titles worse than "teenage Vine star"

I am hoping that the swipe at Millennials was tongue-in-cheek. Millennials get shit on from all directions. I think they have it harder in so many ways than any previous generation alive today. If we're going to make ad hominem attacks, let's direct them at Baby Boomers, because all Baby Boomers are annoying and evil.

The interviewer was horrible. The interviewee was horrible.

What's ridiculous about this? If you show up at a communications job believing all you need is a butterfly flapping around in your head and PRETTY, this is what happens.

Because you're always on our lawns! With your smarty phones and your eye pads and your fancy coffee drinks we can't pronounce. Damn whippersnappers. My walker doesn't have blue tooth!

no ways, I think she looks cute!