No apology for us n-words? Oh.
No apology for us n-words? Oh.
The legal system doesn't distinguish between underage sex and rape, FYI.
People have regrettable sex all the time, including sex with people in a position of power. But it's silly to not distinguish that from rape. After all, did Bill Clinton rape Monica Lewinsky? He was literally the most powerful man in the world and she was a lowly intern and quite young.
I'm pretty sure it's filled with a heady mix of 60/40 hype and drug panic. Puff it, and get locked inside your mind in a hotel room in Denver. You'll think you're dead, but what's even worse is... you're a hack columnist. Terrifying.
What some people sneeringly refer to as "being politically correct" is what others refer to as being respectful of others. Radical concept, I know.
That's how I felt. And this guy is the fucking sheriff. How many women over the years have filed a complaint with the police against their abuser and his attitude was "What do you want the police to do about it? Just move away from the guy."
It's not about getting their rocks off. It's about their entitlement. These men believe women are objects they are entitled to. Men who see women as people don't think like these murderers/wannabe murderers.
let them?
Go fuck yourself on your way back to your MRA website, you victim-blaming asshole.
Victims don't make the choice, you dumb fuck. Now, I'm sure you're perfect and have the reflexes of a ninja who's just guzzled the gallon of espresso, but ordinary human beings don't have the fastest reflexes when they're in shock.
The woman in the article clearly stated she was at a party. What you said would be agreeable if this was in some dark alley or a drug dealer house. But this was in a party with tons of people in Nolita, she should've did something.
Yeah, there's all the need for "internet talking shit" as long as there are people like you putting all the responsibility for sexual assault on the victims rather than the perpetrators. And gee, why would anyone go to the Police if they thought they were going to end up with someone like you asking what THEY did to…
Oh, fuck off, snowflake.
Who has EVER taught you to just take it?
I'm a woman, not a whiny, MRA neckbeard, and when I was studying psych, I read several studies that showed that a truly stunning number of rapists really don't know. Not the ones that violently attack women they don't know, obviously. But the myth that that is what rape is runs very, very deep, and totally affects how…
Which week?
It's bullshit, because people use that as evidence that you didn't say no. Sorry I was too busy being FREAKED THE FUCK OUT. Not to mention internalizing my cultural upbringing of "don't be rude" "don't hurt people's feelings" blah blah blah. I don't ever want to respond that way but it's so so so hard not to.
Your story about the breaking boners question and the way the teacher handled it reminds me of a question a kid asked in my 7th grade biology class. It was near the end of the period and the teacher asked, "well, that's it for the subject matter for today. Does anyone have any questions? Anything you want to talk…