Baberaham Lincoln

I guess a bar is generally fine as long as it’s crowded. A public bathroom doesn’t bother me as long as you can, yknow, lock the door so nobody has to see you. I just hate when there’s not that many people around or it’s so in your face and egregious that you can’t not notice it, and it sucks up all the air in the

I’m generally a mind-your-own-business-if-it’s-not-hurting-anybody kinda gal, but I really really fucking hate any PDA that’s above the level of like, holding hands or closed mouth kissing. It feels super disrespectful to people around you, like you either don’t give a shit about their comfort or you’re showing off to

Cetaphil (the original cum kind, not the foaming kind) absolutely cannot remove makeup, no matter how many times you rub, rinse, and repeat. Regardless of how many dermatologists recommend it to me, if a face wash leaves me looking like Alice Cooper, I have a hard time believing it’s effectively removing other grody

Classic punk is good. Pop punk is good. None of it is more or less “real.” You don’t have to like it, but shitting on people who do doesn’t make you look as cool as you think it does.

Yeah I see that last one shimmying up my waist and landing somewhere right below my armpits within like 5 steps — I’d be constantly pulling it down. And they look SO uncomfy! If you’re gonna suffer through the stiffness of jeans then you should just...wear jeans.

Thank you. This comment section was really frustrating for me. I work in repro health, and the conversations around birth control are just exhausting when there’s so much misinfo and disinfo out there. And this “birth control is horribly under-researched and actually very dangerous” claim everyone is making these days

I find it so fascinating that so many articles about childfree women / the decision not to have children are completely devoid of discussions around men. The vast majority of the time, having a kid is a two-person decision and process. Where are all the articles about men who “decided” not to have children? Where’s

Anecdotal information and personal stories are not the same thing as scientific research. A real challenge with discussing health information, especially online, is that people are much more likely to say something about a medication/treatment if their experience is negative. Most people who have a positive experience

OK so good on you Shannen Doherty but she is totally giving herself a DIY selfie facelift with the way she’s posing with her left hand. I am 100 percent NOT judging because I do the same thing, but this is kiiiiinda cheating if the point is to brag about how proud you are of aging naturally.

Y’know...sometimes, just sometimes, shows are really fucking popular because they’re really fucking good.

They didn’t call emergency contraception “pretty cool,” they called the mechanism of action, i.e. the science behind it, “pretty cool.” But either way, getting twisted that Planned Parenthood has positive things to say about a breakthrough medical advancement that’s prevented millions of unwanted pregnancies and given

I’m a genetically athletic person, physical activities are easy for me to do even when I’m “out of shape,” I pick up sports faster than the average person, etc. But can I just say...FUCK RUNNING. And it’s not like I have no experience with it — I played a thousand organized sports in my younger days and running was

Exactly! Bass Weejuns are my ride-or-die on the east coast because of the soft, non-restrictive leather and square-ish toe that doesn’t hurt my bunions but also manages to not be totally ugly. But loafers look kinda out of place in warmer, more casual climates. Plus I want to show off my bright toenail polish. These

She is ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY PERCENT a republican. She grew up in Orange County (notoriously conservative), she’s stupid, she’s rich, her family seems conservative from interviews (mom didn’t want her singing swears on stage, etc.), she stays “apolitical” and silent in a typically very left-leaning and politically

Oh totally. That song still fucking slaps TBH and absolutely became a feminist anthem culturally (against her wishes!), so it makes sense people thought she had legit Girl Power chops in that moment. To this day it blows my mind that she even wrote it because it’s like...too good for her to have had any part of haha.

He got the shit beat out of him and booted before the opening band even came on stage, the way god* intended.

*Sorry Greg Graffin

Also a bunch of shitty Newsmax guzzling dorks who also happen to like punk rock are leaving completely boneheaded ass-backward bootlicking comments about how “republicans are the REAL punks!” allllll over the internet now and boy it’s...really somethin.

Reminds me of the time a dude showed up in a swastika shirt to a

60s peace and free love tie dye hippies turned polo shirt-wearing, Halliburton stock-holding boomers be like “hold my beer.

They really are great, and if they end up not working for you, they only set you back $15 and Costco has an excellent return policy anyway. Forgot to mention that the footbed is nice and padded too!

Around the holidays last year I had to make a quick trip to the mall to make some returns. I usually over-order online (hard to know your size!) and have a LOT of stuff to return and am both extremely embarrassed and overly apologetic about it to whatever poor sales associate has to deal with my giant bag of items. I