The Soviet Sensation


Mine only has 68k. I avoid airports like the plague. 

Had the pleasure of driving one once. It's stupidly delightful in how much of a sleeper they can be while simultaneously being a sofa with a steering wheel. Body roll would make it hilarious at autox!

No bullshit, my future wife saw one yesterday and said “Those are so cool”

I want to get into a fun car, something I can modify and still enjoy on a cross country trip, or an Autocross event. I like the weird and the rare.

It’s had 2 spark plugs shoot out on me, necessitating some rather interesting fixes... air pump for suspension is on it’s last legs and there’s a new squeak from the driver front tire when driving straight! It will go forever, I just don’t know if I want to go with it. 

Not this one, that is for sure.

And even if it is about to break, parts for these cars are almost everywhere.

In what universe is a 200,000 mile Lincoln Town Car about to break beyond repair?

A Pontiac Vibe? Really? 

“That's one bad mamma jamma!"

Not the first time a company has had a rouge employee tweet something stupid.

That wheel and axle setup really makes it handle like it’s on rails though.

Everyone’s dream is different (and there’s no accounting for taste).

Chevy focus group, looking at wrecked Silverado: “that looks DOPE”

Chevy designers looking at the scene, seeing a new Silverado: “That looks good! Let’s get an image to our focus groups and plan our mid-cycle refresh around this.”

GM should talk to Union Pacific for some design help. The front end in these looks much better than they did when they left the factory.

New Gladiator / Wranglers wrecked: Humanity’s Great Loss.

I can read upside down. Guy was NOT impressed.
